AMAZING 3D PEN CRAFTS || Homemade Ideas, Repair Tips and DIY Jewelry and Hacks by 123 GO! – Plumbers Majestic

AMAZING 3D PEN CRAFTS || Homemade Ideas, Repair Tips and DIY Jewelry and Hacks by 123 GO!

AMAZING 3D PEN CRAFTS || Homemade Ideas, Repair Tips And DIY Jewelry And Hacks By 123 GO!

AMAZING 3D PEN CRAFTS || Homemade Ideas, Repair Tips And DIY Jewelry And Hacks By 123 GO!

AMAZING 3D PEN CRAFTS || Homemade Ideas, Repair Tips And DIY Jewelry And Hacks By 123 GO!

So much coin … huh? Hey … Arrrrgh. Hey, get back here. Wait. I need to hide my fund. Oh, this hole in the wall is convenient. I visualize I have an idea. I’ll apply my money in the hole. And keep it safe with the 3D confine. Start by make an outline. Then cause oblique threads. Do the same in the opposite direction. Now make it look like a spider’s web. Draw roundabouts, starting atthe centre of the the mesh.Just like this. My money is safe. Oh no. I’ve got you now. So this is how it outcomes. You plummeted this. Oh. As you can see we have many beautiful flowers. Your work … Sorry. As I was saying, your jobwill be to care for them. Ooh, really pretty. This one is so cute. Oops. Phew that was close. Are you paying attention? Good. Follow me. The watering can is over there. Wow, such responsibility. This seems easy enough. Don’t spray them too much. Got it. Oh no. Look at this mess. Clean it up. Absolutely. You be able to count on me. Hmm, what do we have here? I just wanted to you make this pot and clean-living it. Oops. Aah! And gulp … I’m so sorry. I’m trying my very best. This doesn’t looking good. Although, I envisage I know away to offset things better. There’s no need to throw away thisplant toilet, merely grab a 3D pencil. Start by draw down the two sides of the flowerpot. Apply the plastic at thevery periphery of the weed pot.Make sure you don’t miss any discerns. Almost there. Once that’s done, create a strand of plasticfrom one back of the divide to the other. We want to join both sides up. Perfect. Next, start to draw directions across the pot. Then start to fill it. This may take some time, but it will be worth it. Again, try not to leave any big chinks. Now, fill in any cracks exerting the 3D pencil. This will stop the crack fromspreading and add strength to the bond. Now to add some colouring. What a difference. Hi. Oh my. This is satisfactory.Don’t divulge anything else. Got it.Sorry. Arrrrrgh. Aaah. What a great sleep. Hey, it’s my birthday. Happy birthday to me. Now, what should I do? I know. Hmm, it’s in here somewhere. Aha. My medals. Gottahave that birthday atmosphere. Hmm, something’s not right. Hey. How’s it going buddy? I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes. Huh? Closed down. Taa-daa. A bag? For me? It’s … it’s wonderful. Well, it is a special day. I’m going to hang it on the wall. Although, I have an idea. I need my 3D write. Check this out. Inflate a balloon and start todraw around it with a . Create loops-the-loops around the balloon. Keep circling the ballon until it is covered. Once that’s done, take a pair of scissorsand cut off the end of the balloon. Once the bag has depressed, gently remove it from the cage. Then, home imp sunlights inside the cage. Now we have some gathering flares. I’ll hang it right here. It ogles so cosy. I adoration it. It’s better than a trash can fire. Let’s celebrate.I’ll get rid of this mess. I’ve got the beakers. I’ll decide the climate. And we need a cake. Time for my birthday choose. Huh? What happened? It’s the wind. It’s ok, it’s just condition. I spoke too soon. Happy Birthday. Ah, another serene morning. I better get ready. Wake up. Morning! Time to graze my teeth. I’m still sleepy. Oooh … This tickles. Ah, my teeth are glowing. Oh no. Maybe she won’t notice. Ok, what’s next? Make-up is looking good. Oh my earrings. I better put them on. Hmm, where’s the other one? Don’t look at me. No doctrine. She believes good-for-nothing. This is so strange. What am I going to do? Hmm, I meditate I have an idea.Using a 3D pencil, start to drawa triangle, just like this. Keep the lines tight together. Once you reach the base of the triangle, start to use a different emblazon. We want to make a watermelon. Use different colours of light-green for the husk. Then computed black specks for the grains. Randomly supplemented the black flecks, clothing the wine plastic. Once you’ve finished, fling itover and contributed an earring stud. That ogles fashionable and yummy. But we’re not done. Use the to draw small ways. Repeat this on the opposite side. We want to create a leaf shape. This is looking good. Flip the leaf over and attach a small clear straw. Use scissors to cut the straw. This will support the needle to your hearing. Wow, these are so beautiful. Huh? Uh, I want to be a plumber. I knew it. Oh, the first patron. Hey girl. Mwah, mwah. You look great. So do you. Happy birthday.Oh … a phone case? Thanks but … I previously have this one. Sorry. But I have something else. Now “theres going”. I uh … have teeth. Right, of course. There must be something else. Ooh. Hmm. I forgot I had this. I’m so sorry. Wait, is that a ? I believe I have an idea. Place your phone on a flat surface. Then, start to draw on it with a 3D write. Work from the bottom up. Be as imaginative as you like. Precisely make sure to cover the whole phone.Try not to miss any smudges. But clearly avoid the camera lens. Make sure to make your time around this are. Now, described around the side of the phone. The theme is to create a safeand personalised phone case. Just like this. Ok, so I got you something else. Wow. I desire it. Great, can I go in? Oh another client. Hey. Happy birthday, I got you a present. Careful. Well that was rude. Whatever. I need to get dressed. This loop is so sweet. But it’s a bit small. Oh no , not my tacks. They’re broken. This is a disaster. Haha, look at you. My poor hammers … loser. You are just the worst. It’s fine, I going to be able save this. Hmm. This might be useful. I’ve got it. For emergency hammer mends, startby locating tape over your paws. Use a wooden stick with pressthe strip around your nail.Then, implement a pen to draw an outline. Remove the strip from your fingernail. Place the tape on a flat skin-deep and depict theremainder of the nail, creating an oval shape. Use a 3D write and fill in the hammer template. Exactly remember to stay within the lines. Next, create a slight veer in the plastic bybending it around a pencil or something similar. Then, remove the fake nail from the strip. Do this gently, we don’twant to break another tack. Use a duo of tack scissors totrim the excess plastic off. Use the ink as a guideline. All that’s left to do is placed it on. Do this with your other fingersfor marvelous bogu claws. Ogling good girl. Wow. Now I’m ready. They gaze shocking. Huh? Hey. Watch it. Quit it. Move! What’s your trouble? Look at the time. It’s time to cleanse. Get out of now. That’s it. Take that. You better feed. Well I depicted her. Life will going to throw up some littleproblems, but a 3D pen can always save the day.What was your favourite hack? Letus know in the comments below. Don’t forget to share this video with your friendsand remember to expressed support for our channelfor more entertaining videos just like this one ..

AMAZING 3D PEN CRAFTS || Homemade Ideas, Repair Tips And DIY Jewelry And Hacks By 123 GO!

AMAZING 3D PEN CRAFTS || Homemade Ideas, Repair Tips And DIY Jewelry And Hacks By 123 GO!

AMAZING 3D PEN CRAFTS || Homemade Ideas, Repair Tips And DIY Jewelry And Hacks By 123 GO!

AMAZING 3D PEN CRAFTS || Homemade Ideas, Repair Tips And DIY Jewelry And Hacks By 123 GO!

AMAZING 3D PEN CRAFTS || Homemade Ideas, Repair Tips And DIY Jewelry And Hacks By 123 GO!

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