Hank’s First Date – Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2 – Plumbers Majestic - Hank’s First Date - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

Hank’s First Date – Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

Hank’s First Date - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

Hank’s First Date - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

Hank’s First Date - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

[recipes clattering] [Steward] Repair those forks. Clean that glass! When the huge person turns up,
whatever has to be excellent. We don'' t normally elegant up tables like this. That'' s the warm shot? The large cheese. The leading noodle. You'' ll recognize
him by the yellow pin on his collar. -I– I– uh– [nervous noises]- That'' s Becca ' s favorite flower.- You ' re looking fantastic for your date! -Yeah. Gee, thanks, Angela. [sighs] I presume all I have actually to delegated state is … Don'' t make me enter there'! Please, I ' ve never ever gotten on a date prior to! [horn shrieking at a range] -You can do this, buddy.
– Yeah, well, what happens if I can'' t? I wear ' t recognize the very first thing about love! I ' m just good at hanging with the boys.See? Just

Hank’s First Date - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

Hank’s First Date - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

be positive. Counterfeit like you recognize what you'' re doing and also whatever will certainly be great. Oh– Yeah, you'' re gon na be excellent. Now act! [Hank grunting] [anxious taking a breath] [introduction music playing] Aah! [crowd supporting] [all giggling] Hi, madam. I am here for a date. A whole lot of individuals have days. Do you have a booking? Uh, reser, reser, yeah … Is that something I need? [inaudible] [groans] Remember what I claimed, man! Counterfeit like you understand what you'' re doing, and also whatever will certainly be fine! Mwah! Mm-hmm. Gotcha. I assume you'' ll find that I do have a reservation for … … That table right over there. Huh– oh. [gasps] Oh, my goodness! Obviously, right this means. We'' ve been anticipating you! [meals clattering] Hey, I guess recognizes his stuff.

Hank’s First Date - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

Hank’s First Date - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

[indistinct babble] This is a nice place. [indistinct babble] I didn'' t understand this was exactly how you rolled. Oh, I'' m loaded with shocks. Like the babysitter because timeless thriller, I Believe My Sitter'' s An Unusual. Heh. I'' ve seen that flick 5 times! I love it when the aliens obtain taken off. It'' s so awesome. I think you ' ll discover there'' s a great deal concerning
me that ' s cool. [grunts] I'' m so sorry! I goofed it up! It ' s OK, I ' ll just go to the washroom and also clean the blossoms off. Huh? This is going excellent! Maintain forging it, since you are making it! I guess I am, imaginary . I never would have believed that the secret to dating is self-confidence. W-w-what’s this? Boy, you'' ve obtained a lot of nerve! Oh

Hank’s First Date - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

, say thanks to you.As a dating male that does dating, having “” nerve”” is key. I'' m not speaking about your day! You stole this table from Tony Macaroni! [customers wheeze] Big blunder, buddy. You simply made an enemy of the most harmful pasta smuggler in the area! Huh? Tony Macaroni has actually left from prison. Police ought to be searching for him yet they'' re way as well terrified. Huh … yai! Go examine my table. [door opens up] – [consumers gasp]- [surprised yell] Hey. That'' s that being in Mr. Macaroni'' s table? [shouts] [wheezing] The-the-the– table ' ll. prepare in j– just a moment … Whoa. [whimpers] Whoa– Yow! [yells] Nobody breaks Tony Macaroni ' s stuff. Get him!
– Becca, we need to go!- What? Yet we just obtained right here.
Yeah, well, like I stated,. I ' m full of shocks! Heh … [gasps] -What? Whoa!
– Hurry! That was unusual. Usually you dine-and-dash after you eat. Yeah that place was …

Stuffy. Besides, we'' ll have. a far better day outside! I get it. Begin!- [carnival songs playing] -[ giggles] [giggles] Nice throw. Yet view this. Wow! [laughs, gasps] Oh, oh, uh-oh … [grunts] [female, onscreen] Chad, it ' s so enchanting being on the beach. under the light of the moon … [jerks grunt] Sorry, excuse me, excuse me!
– Ahh!- [chuckles] [moans] [man 1 screams] -Hey, whoa, come back below.
– [man 2 screams] Hey! [songs having fun] [tough guys groan] Hey! [group cheering] [both] Grab '' em! Ah! [goons grunt] [group cheering] [jerks grunt] Isn ' t this enjoyable? This is a day “task.” called “Quiet Dumpster.” The objective is to see that can be.
the quietest one in the dumpster. Allow'' s attempt. No, I ' m done! If you didn ' t desire to date me, you should have stood me up. like a regular person- rather of tormenting me! -What?- Becca, I ' m refraining
that.- Really? Then what are you doing? Why has this whole day been so odd? Keep in mind, phony it and you'' ll– Oh! Wow! Possibly stop taking my advice.Heh.

Hank’s First Date - Talking Tom & Friends | Season 5 Episode 2

[ sniffles] Oh, I destroyed our date! I forgot to make a booking for supper so I mistakenly posed.
Tony Macaroni and also swiped his table! As well as now his goons seek us.
which'' s why we ' re below! [Becca] What? Oh, Becca, I ' m so sorry! [crying] Hank, that is … such an alleviation! -But, however I goofed everything up.
– I understand! I assumed you were being mean, but you were just bumbling through.
an experience! Total Hank point to do, incidentally. It'' s cute. Heh heh, I'' m simply— [tough guy 1] Can you see '' em anywhere?
– [tough guy 2] No, I assume we shed '' em. [jerk 1] Allow ' s go ask the one in charge what to do. [Becca] Have you ever before forged. like you recognized what you were doing? Huh? I have a suggestion. [Tony] I can ' t think this! Some nobodies take my table? And also you cheeseheads.
let those breadsticks escape? Nobody runs away from Tony Macaroni! Employer, they was genuine slippery-like. Yet we'' ll discover ' em! You had much better! What kind of a noodle-head choices a fight with the finest pasta smuggler.
in the country? -Me!
– [grunts] -Tony Macaroni!
– [weeping] [Becca] Us kind of a noodle-head! [thug groans] It'' s them! Place the boil on '' em, boys! Not so fast.The name is Sammy Spaghetti. This is my affiliate, Dime Penne. We were sent out here by … the Huge Bosses. The Huge Employers? Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh– what for? Seeing to it Tony Macaroni ain ' t gone soft. Ah! No.'No soft! Duh! Pretty good work chasing us. You confirmed that nobody can mess with you. But stay sharp,.
because the Huge Managers'' ll be watching. [anxious taking a breath] [both chuckling] Wow! Perhaps you really can do anything.
if you'' re confident. This was, like, so enjoyable! You and also I make a wonderful group. Eh … Whoa, whoa, whoa. What'' s this wonderful minute over below? Huh? Oh, that'' s just
exactly how we Large Bosses.

do business.Right? Take your linguine back. -Hmm, linguine, huh?
– [Hank] Whoa! Tell me, Sammy,.
what kind of cheese fills a linguine? Uh … Hey, whatever cheese you desire? Heh. [Tony] Technique concern. Linguini ain'' t loaded with cheese. It'' s a pasta. in the type of slim bows. -These 2 is imposters!
– Run, Becca, run! [groaning] [Hank as well as Becca panting, groaning] [both groaning] [Hank and also Becca pressure] [thug laughs] I dunno if it'' s gon na taste good however … [slurps] I'' m simply not cut out for dating. Don'' t say that.

We had fun.Kinda. However I goofed all of it up! Not one thing went passionately. Hmm. Quit whining, Hank. There'' s still time to conserve this date. [griunts] Allow'' s dance. [grunts] Dance? Why? Huh? Hey, knock that off! Your dancin' ' is unknoting the rope knots! [Becca] That'' s the concept, hooligan! [both grunt] You'' se can ' t dance out of this set! Nobody gets away from Tony Macaroni! [worried groan] – [thug grunts]- [both wheeze] – [grunts]- You'' re gon na spend for this! Rrrr! Whoa … [yells] [Hank screams] Ah, eh– [gasps] -Ooh, I got it!
– [Becca] What? If you … [whispers] Wow! [chuckles] [both laugh] Huh? [groaning] [shouting] Damaging news. Tony Macaroni, the feared pasta smuggler, has been apprehended.
by two local vigilantes.Police have ultimately

apprehended. the macaroni mastermind. [Ben] Wow! I'' d ask exactly how your date went. But I guess I currently understand? Yeah, the evening took an odd turn. Becca, would you wish to, uh,.
have real a do-over day? I'' d love that! Only, allow'' s “do it as “simply pals.”” Something informs me.
you'' re not actually prepared for love. Phew! Thank you, Becca! -Thank you a lot! You'' re right!
– Huh? I'' m so pleased I could …

[kisses] [grunts] I am attempting to consume below! You people disgust me. Revolting! [outro music playing]

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