How to install a bottom plate in a plumbing wall | From Garage to Apartment | Episode 7 – Plumbers Majestic

How to install a bottom plate in a plumbing wall | From Garage to Apartment | Episode 7

How To Install A Bottom Plate In A Plumbing Wall | From Garage To Apartment | Episode 7

How To Install A Bottom Plate In A Plumbing Wall | From Garage To Apartment | Episode 7

How To Install A Bottom Plate In A Plumbing Wall | From Garage To Apartment | Episode 7

welcome back to the garage apartment conversion this brief episode will be committed to the solitary job of fitting all-time low.
plate of the primary plumbing wall surface we have a dilemma this pipe sticks out.
beyond where the wall surface has to be we initially attempt to fix the situation by minimizing.
the pipe from four inches to three inches so this adapter is meant to fit over a three.
inch on this side like that as well as over a 4 inch on this side like that but we also located.
that the side that fits over the 3 inch also fits inside of the 4 inch.
flawlessly like a snug connection so we just need to saw that off.
right there and use it as a bushing that was just insane obtain in there why is it not going why is it.
not going to do oh there it goes there it goes we in some way shed the video of gluing the.
three inch pipeline right into the customized bushing using the 3-4-5 triangle strategy we had the ability to make a recommendation line flawlessly.
perpendicular to the primary wall surface these crow'' s feet are where the.
inside edge of the wall surface needs to fall we established the lower plate sideways to make use of as.
a straight edge just to demonstrate how away we are if i sanctuary'' t already stated it these wall surfaces have.
to be extremely exact so that the shower drain will work okay so this pipe here sticks out this.
means a quarter of an inch too far so we'' re going to have to go obtain a number of installations to bring.
this back in line even after we minimize this we still need a little more area and also this this part.
right here is mosting likely to be concealed behind the toilet so if the installations need to protrude with.
the wall they'' ll probably be hidden by trim or they'' ll be concealed anyway by the.
commode so this should function out fine constantly check the placement of your.
pipes while the concrete is still wet we drew a string to see to it.
the pipelines would all drop in line got these stuck with each other good and also placed these together initial yeah that practically froze up on me now for the openings in the bottom plate we make them by plunge cutting.
first with a circular saw and afterwards busting them out with a hammer still not on the line i'' m just gon na take those.
both out at the exact same time i require to cut this set back simply a.
hair allowed'' s take a little off of that that'' s it once again we make use of construction.
sticky under the bottom plate it'' s obtained ta be associated that.
one as well as that one right there well that'' s basically it for this episode.
we'' ll attempt to conclude the wall framework in the following episode or 2 perhaps as constantly thanks for.
watching as well as we wish to see you in the following one you.

How To Install A Bottom Plate In A Plumbing Wall | From Garage To Apartment | Episode 7

How To Install A Bottom Plate In A Plumbing Wall | From Garage To Apartment | Episode 7

How To Install A Bottom Plate In A Plumbing Wall | From Garage To Apartment | Episode 7

How To Install A Bottom Plate In A Plumbing Wall | From Garage To Apartment | Episode 7

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