Parisians React To Emily In Paris | Netflix – Plumbers Majestic

Parisians React To Emily In Paris | Netflix

Parisians React To Emily In Paris | Netflix

Parisians React To Emily In Paris | Netflix

Parisians React To Emily In Paris | Netflix

But she should get mugged.That would be very Parisian. At least feel beings, other people’s handsin her pockets. That’s very, that happens a lot. She needs to hold onto her telephone. -Is that more planned? Okay.-Oui. Baguette. Croissant. Je suis French.Bonjour. Bonjour. Oh la la. -Do you want your hat? -No, I don’t want … Everything there is inspects a little bittoo much like congrs, like a Marine Le Penmeeting. Too many French flags.I roughly said “bonjour”.Hi, I’m Marie.I’m French. I live in Paris. I’m Anasand I live in Paris. Which doesn’t relatively rhyme, but still rhymesmore than “”. I’m here to watch this showand react to it. Hope we’ll change your mindabout French culture today. We probably won’ tbut it’s fine. Parisis not a dreamy metropoli. When you live there, there’s not muchthat’s nostalgic about it. They are very wrongabout accordions.The ocean in the Seineis not blue. It’s not even like light-green. It’s this like mushy dark-brown and it’s filledwith like radioactive waste. Never dive in the Seine, first of all. -Bad water. Yeah.-You’ll die. It’s like “American”is written on her forehead. Hi. -That is very realistic.-I, I don’t concur.’ Cause like we do say “hi”.We’d say’ hi”more than Americans. Americans don’t say “hi”when they get into storages or substance like this.We have basic politeness. I agree. Profoundly. Usually, you would have like half of this staircasefalling down and then you would have little pieces of papereverywhere in the building, like writingwhere it might collapse at some extent.’ Cause all structures are … What buildings do you go to? Voil. Your magnificentchambre de bonne. That is so nota chambre de bonne. Chambre de bonneis like super tiny. You basicallycan have breakfast, take a shower, and sleep at the same time in the same space. And you don’t havethree windows. You’re lucky if you haveone full opening, so … Oh my God! I feel like Nicole Kidmanin Moulin Rouge !. Sure.This’d be madly expensive … -Oui.-…to live there, right? Yeah. They used to cutpeople’s psyches there during the revolution.It’s true. True-blue floor. So, you don’t havea boyfriend in Paris? We’ve better searching peoplethan this. Like, is he supposed to bea hot French man? It is. Well, that’s the problemwith Americans.Each time they seea Frenchman with an accent, they think he’s hot and most of the timethey’re not. She wearsway too many emblazons. Like, she’s sticking outlike a sore digit. I like her robes. But her shoes. Like she would alreadybe in the hospital wearing those shoesin Paris. We have cobblestoneseverywhere. -Yeah.-You can’t wear this. We open at 10:30. -1 0:30. -That never happens. -Nowhere. Nowhere.-Yeah. Everyone’s at the officeat like 08:50. -Yeah. Max.-Everywhere. Yeah. Bonjour. I cherish her. Very stylish.And she’s mean. Do you wanna have lunch? No. No. I’ll have a cigarette.That is so cliche. So, was she eatinga entire Camembert for lunch? Yes. That’s why they don’twanna eat with her. -Can you imagine? -Yeah. -Do you cherish it? -Oh yes, of course. I desire Paris, but the people … -It’s always grey.-So aim. That’s true. We are planned. Chinese peopleare convey behind your back. French people, mean to your face. -Yes.-Yes. That’s the way to be mean. If you have to be mean, be mean to people’s faces.Don’t be meanbehind their backs. That’s just represent. Aw, that’s not nice.But I kinda get onto. Bonjour, la plouc. That is very mean. And that wouldn’t happen.We’re not that planned. No one used to call, like, “Hey, redneck”. No. We would say thaton the WhatsApp group … Yeah. We would say like, “She’s such a plouc”, like on the private radical. I predict we can not simply meanto people’s faces. Like we’re meanbehind their backs, like … No one’s gonna label someone who outfits like thata plouc. -That’s not what a plouc is.-No. No, we’d say nouveau riche.-You’re a connasse.-No, American … You never flirtwith another woman in front of your mistress. It’s worsethan in front of your partner. I’ve seen many peopleflirt with another woman -in front of their mistress.-Who has girlfriends? -Everyone.-Who’re these French beings? That’s not true.Stop spreading lies. No, but what she’s sayingis that you shouldn’t flirt with another womanin front of your mistress. You can do itin front of your marriage, but not your mistress. That’s weird. That’s just a foolish rule.That’s not a thing. Yeah. Just flirt, you are familiar with? Yeah. Flirting, that’s like part ofthe French constitution. This steakisn’t cooked at all. Pardon, monsieur? It should be bloody. -I mean rare.-Order it blue-blooded. That’s the way we make love. Just make sure to neverorder the ris de veau. Ris de veau so good, though. Oh, it’s perfect, yes. Think it’s mentalities or pellets, but it tastes like ass. No, it doesn’t taste like ass.Come on.Customer is always right. Customeris never right in Paris. Unless he is agreeingwith the owner and server. Yes. Customer serviceis bad in France. True. They don’t work for tipslike they do in the US. -‘Cause we have labour laws.-Exactly. And you won’t get salmonellaif you feed raw meat. -No.-‘Cause our meat is good. If you do get salmonella, do not sue us. It’s always nice.Never rains in this Paris. Paris is so pretty. Make me wanna live there.And I once do. She’s the woman who thinksMacron is hot in that show. I can’t sleep … Oh my God. -That is accurate, though.-Yes. Like I’ve seen numerous husbands urinate on the streetsover the past year. No, sorry. That’s my bad.I, you’re peeing and that’s a urinal. -Au revoir, monsieur.-Bonne journe. If you reallywanna be accurate, you have to showthem jerking off too.’Cause that happens a lotin Paris. In the middleof wall street. Now that’s France for you.Without the running. Yeah, exactly. -That’s very accurate.-Yeah. French autoes will kill you. But French menwill do that to you. That’s not true. I’m on a drill. This is no longer a French set. I don’t know wherethey found this train, but– This is a theme park. No one’s ever made a trainlike this in France. -I mean, maybe…-Not since the 50 s. -And even then.-Yeah. All I require for heris to go on the metro to take a TGV, a Ouigo, a inexpensive TGV, a cheap instruct. – Un Intercit.- Un Intercit. I crave her to knowthe real struggle -of moving around France.-Yeah. Although, we do havea great civilize arrangement, but like, it’s not luxuriouslike this. No.Behind him, that’s a real train. -Yeah.-That’s a real train, but what are they in? This is no longer … It looks likethe Orient Express, -but that’s so dramatic.-Yeah. -Wait, where are you going? -That’s French, though. I’m not goingto Saint-Tropez with a girlin love with someone else. You’re not goingto Saint-Tropez at all because there are no trainsthat go to Saint-Tropez, so…-Not this one.-Check the itinerary. I desire her look.Camille’s glance. Yeah. I want that jacket. He’s just busywith the new diner. Does anyone have a eurofor la dame pipi? Dame pipi? No. We haven’t see girl pipisince the eighties. Like, I reckon I sawthree in “peoples lives”. Like dame pipi … Well, there are somein the train stations, but not at a restaurantthat is that fancy. Likewise, we don’t call themdame pipi. That’s very rude. -Yeah. Literally means…-Call her “the nice lady”…lady peepee. That’s it for now.Thanks for watching. And we hope we rectifiedsome errors you guys might haveabout Paris. -Come to Paris.-Don’t! Please don’t.Too many tourists right now. It’s distressing ..

Parisians React To Emily In Paris | Netflix

Parisians React To Emily In Paris | Netflix

Parisians React To Emily In Paris | Netflix

Parisians React To Emily In Paris | Netflix

Parisians React To Emily In Paris | Netflix

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