Repair Copper Pipe Leaks with SharkBites (Super EASY) – Plumbers Majestic

Repair Copper Pipe Leaks with SharkBites (Super EASY)

Repair Copper Pipe Leaks With SharkBites (Super EASY)

Repair Copper Pipe Leaks With SharkBites (Super EASY)

Repair Copper Pipe Leaks With SharkBites (Super EASY)

In this video were going to share fourdifferent ways to fix copper pipe discloses. We encountered a copper hose pinhole leak, whichis a pain in the butt, and were going to show you how to use SharkBite fittings torepair that. SharkBites are push-in fittings. They can be used for copper, CPVC, and PEX.Were going to show you what tools make this repair much easier, how to properly prepcopper pipes, and too a tip-off thats rarely mentioned under other videos about SharkBites.First of all, SharkBites are great because you dont have to solder up in ceilingsand create a fire hazard.For this first fixing, we have a pinhole leak, and we observe that locationusing a Sharpie marker. This is going to be important because were just going to usea coupling. The first thing you want to do is find yourhouse main, and this is where you want to shut off the water to the home. So completelyturn that primary clockwise and then drain the ocean from information systems, both the hot and coldsides, just in case youre not sure if the pipe is hot or cold.The first implement that were going to use is the AutoCut tool. This is great. Its atiny, little tool. It clamps on the copper tube. It likewise fits into tight spots as youregoing to see here in a second.Theres a directional arrow on it. You simply turn theAutoCut tool in future directions of that arrow and, within a few seconds, youre goingto have a perfectly square slashed on your copper piping, which is really important for SharkBitefittings. Its also important for soldering. So we align the trimming wheel over top ofour Sharpie mark where our pinhole seep was located. We trimmed the pipe; allowed it to draina little bit more. And we have about one inch of separation between the two hoses, whichis good for our SharkBite coupling. The other tool that is really helpful is theSharkBite deburring and depth measurement implement. There are different slots for different sizesof pipe. For precedent, were working with -inch copper pipe.So you positioned the pipeinto that slit to deburr the outside edge of it and likewise observe the suitable depthfor the SharkBite fitting. This tool is really helpful with that. Once you get done withdeburring the outside edge of the copper pipe, its critical to likewise deburr the insideof the copper pipe with another deburring tool. That mode you dont have burrs thatwill accidentally separate or shatter the O-ring inside the SharkBite fitting. And you alwayswant to make your digit and exactly run it over the edge of the hose to make sure that youdont have those burrs. For this first copper pipe disclose, we rotatedthe deburring tool clockwise around the copper pipe, labelled the extent for our SharkBite coupling, and then we use our little pencil deburring implement to deburr the inside of the copper pipe.These little pencil deburring tools are great for tight spots like up in ceilings.And anadditional tip is to use emery cloth on the edge of the tube to make sure its smooth, and then use a pipe cleaning tool to pull out any of the copper shards from the insideof the pipe. The white-hot tubes inside these SharkBite fittingsare announced pipe stiffeners. You can leave them in there for copper tubes. You simplypush the SharkBite fitting onto the copper hose to the proper depth.It will revolve; thats ordinary. You time want to make sure that its on the entire way.So back to our pinhole seep, we propagandized on our coupling and realized it connect with thetwo cases of copper pipe. And thats it! Thats how we prepared our copper pinhole leakin about five minutes. The second type of copper pipe fix you mighthave to originate is to remove a longer section that has rusted. Mark on either side ofthe corroded division, and then use the AutoCut tool to cut out that damaged fragment of copperpipe. For this reason enjoyed the AutoCut tool; it exclusively takes a few seconds to do that. Thendeburr the outside edge of the copper tube with the SharkBite deburring tool and thenthe inside deburring implement, and then remove those shards working your pipe cleaner. Andthen feel the edge to make sure its delightful and smooth.And ultimately, just differentiate the depththat you need for your SharkBite fitting. SharkBites can only be removed either via the disconnecttongs or C-clips. These are the tongs, and we like this method the best. You time wantto depress the release collar on the edge of the SharkBite fitting and pull it off yourcopper pipe. Super simple to do. And thats exactly what were doing here for the couplingthat we invested for our first choose. Just make sure you scrutinize a SharkBite fitting; make sure theres no debris inside of it because that can interfere with the connectionand cause spills. So place one coupling on each copper tube, and then get a measurementbetween those couplings and add two inches to your calculation because the copper pipeneeds to go inside those couplings by about one inch.As you can see here, we still have a little bit of sea racing. And the neat thing isthis does not affect the installation of SharkBites unlike soldering. So you simply simply pushthe copper hose into the first coupling and then into the second.This is obviously mucheasier if you have some Flex in the copper tube. So “if youre having” some Flex, this isa great installation and fix that we are able to make.SharkBite couplings are great if you have Flex in your copper hoses, and they move backand forth. And instead of using this though, you can use a Slip End fitting if you donthave that flexible. You just want to slide the Slip End fitting the whole way on to thecopper hose, get a measurement between it and your coupling, and then included two inchesto that measurement to get your copper pipe gash that you need to establish your specify. By theway, Slip End fittings dont work for PEX, simply copper and CPVC. Then you can use thedisconnect tongs to slither the Slip End fitting onto the brand-new segment of copper pipe. This isa really great installation skill if you dont have Flex in your copper pipings. Andyou can add a copper secure to secure the copper pipe to your joist. So again, this is anotherfix that you can do.A fourth mode to restore a copper hose leakis with PEX. Weve got some corrosion still in this copper pipe, so were going to cutthat out exerting the AutoCut tool. The reason why we like PEX is because its so flexibleand easy to use. Again, you have to deburr both the outside edge and inside edge of thiscopper pipethats truly important still. And you too have to remove any copper shardsfrom the inside of the copper pipe. Push on your coupling; make sure its to the rightdepth. Put on the other coupling, and get a rough measurement. Then install your PEXinto the firstly marrying and then mark the locale of the first one inch thats goinginto the second coupling.You can trim this square using your PEX cutters. Mark the depthof cut with the tool, and then simply push in the PEX. You can see how adaptable and easyit is to use. Now, you may have to use something like this to support the PEX, and thatsreally important to stay to code. Now, nows a tip that we wanted to sharewith you: when connecting a SharkBite fitting to a copper piping plan, you need to havea copper jumper cable before and after your SharkBite fittings since they are not anelectrically endless fitting.These are just some ways to fix a copper pipeleak. If you like these tips-off, make sure you hold us a thumbs-up, and cause us know if youhave any questions in the comments because were more than happy to help out ..

Repair Copper Pipe Leaks With SharkBites (Super EASY)

Repair Copper Pipe Leaks With SharkBites (Super EASY)

Repair Copper Pipe Leaks With SharkBites (Super EASY)

Repair Copper Pipe Leaks With SharkBites (Super EASY)

Repair Copper Pipe Leaks With SharkBites (Super EASY)

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