The Journey to REAL Success … How to keep it that way (Part 3) – Plumbers Majestic

The Journey to REAL Success … How to keep it that way (Part 3)

The Journey To REAL Success … How To Keep It That Way (Part 3)

The Journey To REAL Success … How To Keep It That Way (Part 3)

The Journey To REAL Success … How To Keep It That Way (Part 3)

enduring the digital jungle is tough we’rehere to guide you through it on the digital forest podcast when throughout your journeydid you recognize strata and the relationship that you can erect with these beds companies andthese those kinds of they were valuable when did you realize that uh probably aboutmaybe four or five years ago i had this um shifting in mindset that i i just i started to get intosome strata work um and i experienced it it’s very different it’s very um very hard to get into whenyou say hard-handed why why why what’s so hard you really need to be set up in a way to cater to strataokay i was only currently say probably about 80 70 to 80 percent of what the hell is do now is probablystrata wow 70 maybe a little bit less i don’t know the exact numbers but um we are just gettingin with so many more and the reason why um we are going in that path is number one ireally enjoy it i love the relationships with the managers and the companies it’s greatfor me personally i love that sort of stuff i love the evaluate in the relationship i love thefact that you as a stratum manager can still use sps for anything but if you ever need anythingyou can call michael squandering coin about seeing you guys and then we’ll get it done for you rightreliability 100 and that is something where if you are not set up in a way to cater to the stratafield you’re going to get found out about it right so probably four or five years ago we got in withmaybe one or two at the start did you think that when you say we got in with them did you evenknow that there was potential there no do you or did you just look at him like oh it’s justanother like a you know building scream me yeah exactly right 100 and it wasn’t until we gotinto a company that we via a family friend and he was a manager um and we started we developed areally really good relationship with him and i just sort of it just sort of opened my seeings up tohow much potential there really was in the strata province you may it’s interesting because you wouldhave find it when you when you first went on to site and you did some work and and you establisheda relationship you probably identify the potential but there’s a lot of people that would go thereand realize you don’t get paid on the spot that’s number one number two the red tape is alittle bit longer yeah yeah what i mean by the red tape there’s a certain process that you need togo through to get a job to get it approved to uh facilitate it sometimes you know timing um youknow it’s it’s not as easy yeah not at all if and everything in stratum seems to beurgent even though it’s not right yes because um we find that a lot honestly it reallyis everything in strata seems to be urgent but that’s okay you set up we areset up in a way where we can cater to everything and anything that comes in that needsurgent attention but strider is a different devil like you talk about from construction tomake this is still maintenance but it’s very it’s a lot more complicated you needto know i’ll give you an example right there are certain constants where a it’sowner’s corporation that pays for the for the mend and there’s earn the situationswhere the owner of that contingent or the dimension needs to pay for the repair uh there’s certainlimitations as to if it’s a block exhaust in a floor litter is it caused by building materialis caused by hair if it’s caused by a honcho and you’ve got to document that direct that back tostrata for example block depletes in certain areas burst pipes are they on an internal wall arethey common wall how many walls are disclosing in this shower are they internal common isit the floor only is it an original lavatory has it been remodeled has it been re-renovatedwhat’s happening but there’s so many things wow that then become that you need tounderstand when you go into that subject that you need to document everything you’ve got tohave a process and a plan and the photos and the documentation and the support you know the thecommuni the biggest thing that we’ve taken away you talk about you know i guess oneof the major alters that we’ve had our now sharpens a lot on thecommunication feature of things canada strata manager you email us a quote request or a occupation fiat youknow within 60 minutes we have a rule in house 60 hours that work order is actioned so what imean by action we call the res we call the tenant or the resident of that asset we book a time inwe emailed back to the strata manager saying hey mr smith it’s been booked in for wednesdaybetween this time and this time or no we can’t get a hold of them or no therewas an issue it’s a lot more complicated there’s generally as well wow so 60 minutesyou would have coordinated and facilitate 100 okay that’s super strong letme touch on that a little bit why did you make it an internal uh yeah regulation i’lltell you something so when as we continue to get into these these companies right and it takes along time to get in with firms sometimes right it’s a lot harder to get in because certaincompanies will have their existing commerces and you need to respect that right and i totallyget that but we’re always there as a backup i require a quote request that’s how generally itstarts and then it just sort of tends to flow on from there right but what i encountered was and i stillfind this astonishing right that this is stephanie strada company and it’s it’s still present todayhas contractors where they don’t even respond to that work order request two or three days after orthey don’t open and they don’t answer back to the manager then the tenant’s upset so they’ll emailthe the bed overseer and the strata director really keeps up with it because that’s what they’reused to and that’s what they’re accustomed to and they just think that that’s okay but then atsome point something changes in the estrada overseer and they’re like you know what we’ve had enoughof this we can’t keep going on something has to change and that’s where we generally come in thefact that you as a contractor are receiving wreak from a company or a equipment firm or or anassociation or somewhere that’s supporting “youre working” and you want to deliver him on that serviceto me is is mind-boggling i don’t understand i can’t comprehend it maybe i’m unique maybe i’mdifferent perhap i over dramatize it but for me if something comes in we need to action it straightaway and your teammates your crew understands 100 everything like i said here everything in stratais urgent even if it’s not okay claim so there’s a great deal of leaks in between legions for exampleand they’re high-pitched stress places you know they think that it’s going to start damaging theunit below and you’ve got to jump onto that quick absolutely because obviously the strata company isstarting to get pressure from several occupants so essentially number 1 when you saycommunication and you say work order comes in and you you action it immediatelyessentially the what you’re saying is you’re deliver a high-levelcommunication back to the strata company so in case of not backlash but when residentsare complaining they’ve got the supporting documents to say look we have actioned itimmediately yeah 100 you you basically um ensure that the strata company is searched extremelyextremely well in the eyes of the residents 100 and it starts you examine good and it makesus feel good yes the fact that we can deliver and the biggest thing i feel is you’ve got tobe consistent it’s no good me doing this today but next thursday something completely changes andyou make seven hours to respond to that it’s gonna be consistently the same each and every time andyou find that they they reach out to you and they engage with you because of your responsivenessbecause of your delivery because of your reporting and your documentation but that takes timethese are these standards that you’re giving because they’re very high standards yeah so whati make by high standards you know you’re talking about you know sometimes people don’t check theiremail investigate their emails you know for an hour yeah but you named a high standard of delivery umand you placed this rank of expectation that your company and your team are going to deliver iti feel like your allows your team to bond together to deliver that’s fantastic then youyou speak about communication now communication in documenting so your process of diagnosing theissue that’s super important so therefore you need the freedom team to be allocated to this and thetraining to provide the guys okay so we always have toolbox meets with the guys and we labelout particular scenarios that have happened issues that we face and we learn lessons from that because againfinding a disclose in a residential house sometimes is super easy formerly you surmount strata you masterresidential homes i approximate super super easy because guy sometimes we’ve had reveals come leakfrom three floorings above for example and things get very complicated and stressful very very quickokay strata is it for everyone if you don’t have that stage of skills and that understandingof someone that’s been there and done that once again you’re gonna get caught out you’re gonna getcaught out so you you you go on the job your squad goes on the job now your structure right yeah you’veworked hard on your internal arrangement yeah and how to logistically coordinate your squad um yoursystem you’ve also improved deepened optimize your internal organisation to be able to provide detailedreports 100 i want you to touch on that because because like i told you you’re tr from what i getgather and this is like i said it’s an honor to sit down with you as my first guest because thestandards you set sometimes seems so high that they may not be achievable but when when you’rejust thinking about it but then you go out and you you adjusted you you mounted yourself up to let’sgo out and achieve this when did you recognize how important it is to document because once againstrata companies are starting to really affection the the project that you do um and that’s becausenot many people are doing it yeah what stimulated you think i’m going to do this document the joband provide a detailed report well part of strata is you need to provide detailed documentation butnot a great deal of chaps make love right so they might send you a photo they might send you a speedy video ourvideos are sometimes three or four minutes long for example we render before and after not onlythat the updates if we’re doing a large job you know part of the the the process that we havein turn is we continue you updated as the manager mr smith only to let you know on thisstrata proposal here we’ve already started the sewage toils we’re 50 through now withsome progress photos everything’s going immense should be expected to be finished on fridayafternoon right wow how frightening do you feel knowing that these contractors right on pointare on point they’re doing what i want to do i don’t need to do any they’re making my life wehave an internal thing where we say to ourselves how do we construct the lives of our overseers easiersimple resonates simple title this is a great mentality to have so that forms you simple thatthat straightaway tells you where do i need to improve yeah and if you have a good relationshipwith a stratum administrator and they can vocalize some of the issues that they have frankly yeah youknow what i mean that allows you to help them yeah get better because because you’re alwayswilling to improve your internal process anyway and on you know you talk about that and thefeedback that you get from the managers right we put ourselves out there i go in and i meet withthem every every year twice the three times a year i’ll send them out surveys wow how are youwith the current service are there any issues and again this this hasn’t developed overnight noright so when i come into your office and i say to you we’re going to do x y z and d i can talk asmuch as i want i can talk all the crap that i want someone’s going to make love the biggest sales pitchbut when you do send me the number of jobs right am i i need to have the substance the processes thesystems the people the structure in place because if i don’t what’s going to happen you’re gonnaget found out straight away perfectly so that to me is so strong for myself and myteam and the company that i have now built to cater to that because what that thennow does it organically our existing cod database our clients that ring us up andfind us online the process was already there we now know how to address this clientele becausewe’ve already developed it here and organically it’s just a major device that only continuouslyrotates and it continuously spins and we know everyone knows their persona but meet what you’redoing as well is you’re you’re you’re developing a culture in the strata appendage of your businesswhere you you’re because learn your team to vocalize diagnose go preserves upload itinto the system type up some some information that in itself you’re trying to train a staffmember on something so new that’s hard as well 100 it is it’s but if you if you master that thereyou can also roll that out it manipulates hand in hand in your residential because if you’re if you’relifting the service statu on your residential weapon you know you’re virtually going to be one ofthe only plumbers that offers this type of service yeah 100 and it takes time it actually doestake time and lapses and we’ve establish mistakes along the way yeah i can’t imagine like i ican’t imagine how many areas you would have had to acquire because like you you mentioned someof these issues right and sometimes it’s it’s like diagnosing it how the inferno do you construct for itbecause you you you get your investigation process like once again it’s almost like when youstarted when you were 23 year olds and you come to your first occupation and you don’t knowhow it was it literally was i had to learn it all over again wow it was like a differentfield that i had to learn truly it really was wow but i just knew that there was a lot of upsideto having that together with my residential yes and the crd and all that but there’s abut there’s a big cash flow issue 100 like i’ll give you an example you know for asmaller that has some overheads it’s very hard to have beds contracts just to manage yourcash flow 30 60 epoches sometimes um sometimes you’ve got to there’s issues yep there’s and sometimeswe don’t do it out of goodwill where our strata scheme but that’s the relationship that we havewith our overseers they’ll get us up and say hey this strata programme is looking at getting funds tocome through in three months time they truly have an urgent problem can you guys go out and be paidin x sum of period right doesn’t happen a good deal right but the relationship that we have with ourmanagers was enough that where they can pick up the phone and actually represent that announcement yeah youknow what i mean and i’m not and i love that again i’m all about the relationship i’m not in this forthe short term i always say this to the managers that we work with if you are looking for someonethat’s going to give you short term uh that’s going to provide you with the thethe i predict the service the reliability for a short period of time and then stuff you over andcharge you an arm and a leg it’s not us i’m not in this for this reason right so the reasonsare different and we’re here to be with you along the way and it could sound cliche and untilyou sort of understand the level of effort that i throw in and the team positions in and the systems thatwe have in place to cater for our patients until you rightfully understand and appreciate what we do andhow far we’re willing to go for our clients really well that’s yeah that’s super super impressiveyeah now like okay so obviously it’s a difficult task on a cash flow level but don’t worryabout the cash flow right now yeah you realized “youve said” what four years about four years yeahfour years ago yeah strata is really good yeah you experienced it yeah there was that automaticallyticks michael’s carton when you enjoy it you’re you’re on it now yeah now you’re obsessednow “youve been” need to figure this out claim but i know we had dialogues around that timewhere you wanted to target some of these stratum companionships yeah right and we you did you quicklylearn that no one’s going to get you a strata company to use you unless you throw in the grindhow long did it take you to realize that strata is never going to fall on your lap yeah very longtime i think that first year i was just sort of trialling different things out and experiencing whatworked and what didn’t work and how because it was a journey for me too because i thought maybe wecould go go down the way way sell approaching now i feel now the fact that we’re in with a lotmore companies and a lot of some of the likes there’s momentum and there’s nothing because whathappens is some of the the things that happen now it’s organic because it’s parish yeah and yougo from this firm to this company what happens is you start using this busines and then this guywill refer us to this manager now and he’s going asked for this here and then some alongthe direction but that that made a long time so if i was to say if i was to rewind fouryears ago and the discussions we were having on a level because you’ve identifiedthis as potential for your business this is something that you want to you know definitelylook deeper into it then we need to identify how we’re going to get more of this yeah all rightthe channel was really tough they’re not going to fall on your lap that’s right they’re notactively probing every single day for a plumbing strata strategy yeah when did it when did it clickinto your president it got it it’s got to come from you yeah you’ve got to collect that you’ve got to introduced theeffort about a year into that entire you know four years ago that first year yeah i would say i knewthat i had to do things very different so you have nonetheless countless strata companies and facilitymanagement companies using you right now how many of them you actively approached oh heapsyou’d say 80 yeah you had to actually get off your ass pick up the phone yourself meet with themthemselves yourself follow up when i didn’t send the job cop the abandonment i became immune to therejection i really didn’t care but you persevered yeah i i i became relentless huge becausei really didn’t care like i told us to you at the start of this i decided the verystart of this conversation because i know that when i when you start engaging us in your inyour strata company you have no regrets that’s it you wouldn’t we will never let you down and ifsomething was to happen we will fix it straight away that’s the confidence in your team and like isaid there probably isn’t a lot of people out there and a lot of companies that can say to you thatwhen you involve us to do a job they stride a job on a bed build that you manage andyour committee members employed the trust in you to get the job done it’s gonna get done simplethere’s no ifs or buts and if it doesn’t get done or addressed straight away we’ll makesure that we learn from that and we never prepare that same mistake again that’s rightright so and again that comes with years of of constituting those inaccuracies and having the teamand training them and understanding it and again we learned that but the fundamentals of plumbingare plumbing yes you merely needed to learn the laws around stratum where you can and can’t what’stheir responsibility what’s not how do you address certain situations understand that thefacility that the the strata company promotes the cultivate they don’t construct the decision at theend of the day right so you you are just the committee members on that strata plan right arejust as important if not more important than the stratum director themselves but they run both handin hand so really you know some of the some people or plumbers that might be listening thissounds like a nightmare you know you got you got the plumbing edition and then you’ve got thestakeholders who who’s actually involved you might have a landlord a holder director we’re talkingabout landlord tenant strata company um the bed manager stratum stratum director the board the thecommittee bed committee so you’ve got so many stakeholders involved sometimes sometimes yeahno not sometimes the majority of the time okay so so so what you’ve done is you’ve you’veyou’ve systemized cause it a little more you you’ve created a practice structure yeah and you’vebuilt your business to deliver at a high level and high standard strata is verypolitical okay frankly if you’ve got i’m your neighbor for example we’re on thecommittee yes and i don’t like you and you don’t like me because it’s something that happenedand there’s there’s conflict or there’s something that’s happening on that committee it can be anabsolute nightmare really you really can yep so you really need to know how to go straight downthe line filter through that address it head on and not vanquish around the bush simple asthat right but that again comes with the experience we will sometimes we went intoquote solicits and agms and egms uh uh like if they announced it amazing general intersects thatyou know something major is happening that you need to go in and address and you you you honestit was like we were give me one fib there was a block of i think 14 and there was a major therewas a sewer line that needed to be replaced right and what tended to happen was we stipulated thequote for a permanent sterilize and a permanent solution to get this uh the job i think was about uhprobably a forty thousand dollar task you’re probably going to be there for about twoweeks a lot of a lot of labor intensive um activity that needed to be machinery higheror machinery high and then the debate the other on the other side was we don’t wantto get onto done we’ve we’ve had a problem we’re happy to continue to getit cleared out and plane bombed uh and the other ones were indicating back andforth and this wasn’t something that happened overnight this continually happened and the otherguys in the committee because i didn’t have the funds i didn’t want to pay so if the committeedoesn’t have enough money in the sinking fund to get this profession approved they’ve they’ve got totake coin out of their own pocket and applied it in liberty to make up for the money wow and so there’sa lot of defiance and that that’s what happened and you had to go backwards and forwards backwardsand forwards so what we’ve done in that in that special um construct was we set a maintenanceplan in we dedicated them six months so we came back out and we’ve done it uh twice in between andthen at the six month differentiate we’ve done the number of jobs so but they were at that find teammate itwas like you had to find a balance to yeah on reciprocal ground they were just constantlyfighting the manager couldn’t even have a say and that happens a lot um you find that the buildingsthat don’t have the money and fund in the sinking fund have a lot of issues and a lot of internalproblems and people don’t want to spend money now they don’t want to do this and they don’t wantto do that so it’s political to say the least so you need to know how to steer yourselfand you’ve got to be as a contractor in bed that you say you specialize in that fieldyou need to know how to do other situations well let me tell you what an education piece ijust got right yeah and all of those things i was not really aware yeah i thought it was a littlebit more straightforward where you get a work order you go attend you transmit it like that yeah ofcourse no no i don’t i don’t disbelieve it but i think i think when when you said if there is an issueit will get resolved yeah and now i understand when you shape that statement why it’s so powerfulis because you know how bad the situation are able to obtain yeah and sometimes they are really difficultto actually resolve yeah but because of your experience you know how to position it all together butlike for an example we returned we ever try to work with them so you know we didn’t have to say wecould have been no no we’re not going to see do any any block pump upkeep or whatever it is andthat this is the only solution that you’ve got it doesn’t work that way right sowe’ve always always give them options how do we resolve this problem if you don’thave the money now what can we do to help can we do something different can we look at doingsomething bespoke in a time in the time being till we solve it permanently there’s always ways togo around it but i just feel like as a contractor and as a company we’ve learned how to do thatreally well phenomenal now let me let me let me let me just say that that you know those thatare listening that speculate strata is all glamorous yeah right will now get a very good understandingthat it’s far from that there’s so much more work involved but you know what once again you knowwhat you’ve basically precisely told me is you’ve restarted a brand-new business in your business yeahyou croaked you did the same methodology that you did when you first started your business and learninghow to do residential upkeep you exactly you’ve you’ve remastered the artwork but in in stratamanagement now that’s that’s that just shows you know you’re talking about you were six toseven years into your own business and you had to reinvent the wheel which is fantastic to add a newlayer now we’re talk you’ve just recently which um you know congratulations you’ve just supplemented anew department to your your business again yeah so that’s another ratify of progression and growthwhich is fantastic um which is the sps quality upkeep division that is super exciting and umyou know i wanted to understand your your decision your vision um like in a in a immediate not in a quicksummary form you know why taking this next step yeah i’ll give you an example right in stratafor example if you’ve got a pipe that’s that’s spilling between the you know one side of the theunit and the other side and the pipings underneath the sand and you need to complete a re-divertfor example right and re-locate where the lines are to eliminate a opening for example i’m justgiving you a hypothetical lesson here right all the resultant damage the damage that you’vecaused to repair this stratum generally needs to facilitate that so the plumber will do thework and then what generally tends to happen is the manager that will then disappear spot a a maintenancecompany or they might find a painter a jeep rocker a tyler whatever it is to get the works repairedit even before we set up this company we were still taking on the entire responsibility because againwe want to see the managers livings that we encounter with easier right and it drives me nutsand it drives me crazy and i don’t understand why directors still do this you know they they geta plumber i feel like they just get complacent and they get pleasant with their current markets buti look at it from a different point of view you’re sending me out to a profession as a contractor right ifyou would like me to i can take on the entire position if you crave i have the the contacts i have theresult i’m happy to help and facilitate that work for you so what now we’ve done is we’ve now hiredguys and we’ve set up this property maintenance division and this is going to now complement ourcod side and it’s going to complement our strata area so anytime we do our strata labour we canwe can handle that in-house one company under one umbrella taking care of imagine how greatthat is you know you as a overseer have a small door that you want to hang up right you don’t haveto go call five different corporations because you want to hang up a entrance you just wanted to do a small youknow tiling job you want you got the plumbing you got the roofing our aim destination is to have electricalin in the company by expiration of 2021 as well um but now we’ ve got everything as we continueto evolve through the company we want to start having everything in-house that’s our goaland set everything under one umbrella to prepare the man i just say easier can i say why um youknow you may you may look at it you might say the simplicity of a bed director even a cod ora residential job the clarity of using you guys having any type of issue that’s one part i thinkthat’s one part that’s probably minor i think the facts of the case that you’re creating this into yourcompany and you’re going to instill your values your standards of operation yeah and your qualityof service that is the power in my opinion because if your level of st your standards are thishigh now you’ve just inserted a new department you’re certainly going to make sure thatthe standards are kept at that rank specially when it’s your firebrand on it yeah1 00 i think that’s the strength of it because you’re making in my view and industryyou know being property maintenance a lot more professional you know you’re talking aboutthe foundation before the foundation’s already there yeah done the hard work yeah you’reinstilling the values and service standards now it’s just more about set than you guys tomake sure they’re buying in you hire correctly yep and that’s you’ve learned you’ve learnedand you’ve stuffed up and you’ve learned and then what happens is now it’s just about youknow why you think about if you’re a consumer why do you want to go to three different fourdifferent companionships if you’re a bed manager why do you need to feel the need to deal with sevendifferent companies to get a small job trained or might even be a large job repair i don’t know whatthat is but all i do know is that you now have the capability and the power to use onecompany that you trust enough that you’ve been doing that we’ve been doing the plumbingwork for you enough so you know how we operate the same procedures and the systems are going tocontinue to flow on why why as a manager would you need to use different firms it shapes nosense totally understand but i think i think if i think the biggest takeaway is youdidn’t proceed get a handyman off the street and then start direct them out tojobs i feel as though this is a whole an environment that you’ve created a ecosystem ofhigh standards quality service high responsiveness great communication yeah great aspect you’reputting new team representatives hiring properly into this world so joe’s handyman for example mighthave been dealing with that strider busines right joe’s handyman one man clique yep um and he mightbe doing a phenomenal occupation i don’t i don’t know whatever it is right but joe then you’vegot shane’s handyman for example right same one-man band or two-man band response to workorders a few weeks after unresponsive communication good no photos no documentation um he might be youknow super super super cheap but you’re getting a hundred emails and a hundred abusive phonecalls saying where is this guy i sent you this petition a week ago what’s happened in between cani ask you a question you’ve got some constructs out there with very high strata um like for thefor the for the landowners the bed like excises yeah the levees are very high yeah now i’m justgoing to ask you because i know professionalism and and the road your your staff and your teamarrives at a enterprise their demonstration i know that matters to you because i’ve dealt with you for fora long time and presentations super important yeah respecting the place is super important now thosethose those those um you know residential blocks when your crew arrives the residents alsoneed to see a level of professionalism from the sells that are used on those buildingsites you’re you’re not only representing us but you’re representing that strata company that’sexactly right right so you just imagine following the the phone calls saying that sps plumbersarrived they’re wearing tracksuit breathes they’ve got defects in their shirts they’re swearingthey’re smoking in the lobby they’ve left their rubbish everywhere imagine how crapthe manager would feel after you have sent a person you thought you trust out to a buildingthat you manage and they situated their trust in you that’s right now look now even even in terms ofyou know hazards and set the freedom signage in place and safety safety and it’s you know becauseonce again you know you you know in a strata construct you know like you’re in a residentialblock and there’s you know common driveways you’ve got elevations you’ve got a lot of common areasthere’s so much more moving parts and so much more like did you risk would you say that you had tobuy more um kind of items you know for safety uh in managing items yeah like the procedures okaythings that it is necessary to in instill into the guys that if we do this you need to make sure youdo this beforehand right you concrete part a division out of concrete if you’re excavating ina driver you make sure you get a service scan done before anyone strokes anything here if you’reworking in a high traffic area can we do a reline as opposed to digging it up all theselittle things that we’ve now put in place to minimize risk and it’s big in stratahuge well that’s impressive so i know that you know you’re producing a lot more contentso you’ve got your youtube canal running and i see that you’ve you’ve you’ve started toeducate um you know whoever’s interested in in read yeah sure you know i see that you starteddiscussing pipe relining new information technologies there um you know the fact that you’re willingto share information is fantastic yeah and i think your transparency the fact thatyou’re super transparent about your business is super strong as well because transparencyin my opinion and whoever’s watching i hope they appreciate it transparency shows that you havenothing to hide that you stay where you are your statement you stand by your service you stand by what yourepresent and i think i hope the audience admires it because a lot of beings aren’twilling to really dive into their business and and and illustrate sort of the difficult areas andwhere they’ve had and where they haven’t had but i appreciate that i think um youknow you’re starting to gain some impressive force in strata but it’s all because you follow thesame logic that you started from the first day you opened your business delivering a goodservice and continually evolving and improving but it’s obviously not a great deal of work behind itreally it really is a lot i’ve got a great team and i work so hard um and i’m grateful and i’msuper happy and provoked and proud that we’ve got a great unit that can service our customersand i love i genuinely adoration i love the fact that we can serve the clients that we need toserve in a in a polite submissive efficient demeanour that that starts us search good and obligates themlook good solving virtually we’re solving their problems simple leaving a great impression atthe end of it well ogle candidly well done uh mick you you you really have done such an amazingjob in structure your business um you know we’re super proud of your brand we’re super proud thatwe’re able to represent your brand um you know i believe you know we take care of your symbol andwe care about your brand as much as you do and i think that that’s that’s um a relationshipthat i believe we’ve developed together but i i believe that you guys are on to you knowan another level and i think you’re gonna continue to grow um but i really appreciate you sharingall this information with us um i hope i hope the audience took a lot of a lot out of it and um andguys you are familiar with like um share subscribe put in the comments if you like any topic um that you’d likeus to discuss um but once again thanks very much champion you

The Journey To REAL Success … How To Keep It That Way (Part 3)

The Journey To REAL Success … How To Keep It That Way (Part 3)

The Journey To REAL Success … How To Keep It That Way (Part 3)

The Journey To REAL Success … How To Keep It That Way (Part 3)

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The Journey To REAL Success … How To Keep It That Way (Part 3)

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