The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 – Sonu Sood – Nation’s Superhero – Ep 129 – Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020 – Plumbers Majestic - The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 - Sonu Sood - Nation's Superhero - Ep 129 - Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020

The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 – Sonu Sood – Nation’s Superhero – Ep 129 – Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020

The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 - Sonu Sood - Nation's Superhero - Ep 129 - Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020

The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 - Sonu Sood - Nation's Superhero - Ep 129 - Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020

The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 - Sonu Sood - Nation's Superhero - Ep 129 - Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020

Mr. with us today.Loud round of applause. Mr. Sonu, you have been workingcontinuously for so many months and your face tells methat you are happy. When you do something good,it reflects on your face. But your eyes looktired as well. – Yes. I won’t make you stand for long.Please be seated. – Thank you. Loud round of applausefor Mr. Sonu. – Thank you, sir. Sir, since we weretalking about buses I need a favour.- Yes. – You are a friend. It’s the weddingof Ms. Archana’s nephew. Great.- There are 22 people. – Okay. They have to go to Kanpur. Do you have a 20 seater bus? I asked for two lessseats because she would drivethe bus by herself. Her husband Parmeet will bethe conductor. So accordingly.. This is between us.- Anyway, I am very inspired. Whether it’s mynephews wedding or not I feel like driving a truck and helping someonelike you did.He deserves to be praised.Words are not enough. Thank you. People are afraid to meeteven their neighbors. Yet he got out of his houseand met thousands of people. What medicine did youuse to drink? Yes, tell us that.- Was there anything like that? You won’t believe me how muchmedicine I had in these days. My wife Sonali was also veryactively involved in helping.But whenever shedrank the medicine she would also give mesome of it in a thermos flask. And she would phone to check.- So did you use to have it? I used to have itwhenever I remembered. Just tell us the recipefor it if you know. She thinks about herselfall the time. She doesn’t care that someone’sdoing such a great work. She just wants the recipefor the medicine.I mean.. We can keep both ourselvesand the others safe. Do you know what the problem is?You will give her the recipe and she will tell meto make it for her. She won’t make it by herselfand give us some of it. All right,tell us what medicine it was. Just tell us the basicingredients.. Nothing special.It was just a normal one. Believe me, most of the timesit would come back untouched. And I would throw it outand pretend that I drank it. So that Sonali thinksthat you drank it. That’s not the case. It’s the first timethat I am telling you. But like I said,it was because of the prayers. Exactly.- Many times I would be in the police stationfor hours seeking permission. So the ADM in Mumbailike Mr. Sandeep told me that Sonu,you follow up so much that it looks like it’s yourfamily that is traveling. I would ask him every 30 minutesabout the permission.Then I would askfor the screenshot of the same. Then I sent it to the ADMin Lucknow and informed them. They would approveand forward it to the DM. DM would send its screenshotto the DCP. They knew it wheneverI called them. They used to sendthe screenshots by themselves. Really?- So the files that would normally take time, I was ableto get it ready in half an hour. And the people coulduse it to travel. Great.- Will power. – Yes. Where there is a will,there is a way. Yes.- Superb. – Thank you. All right,when these events started the people from all overIndia would call. For example,someone would call from Assam and tell us that they needto go to Delhi or vice versa.His team took allthe responsibility. Then he received manyinternational requests as well. Someone from my team hadtold me to ask you this. A group of girlshad requested you. You sent them via flight. What’s the story behind that. There was no other way. There is a place namedErnakulam near Cochin. Yes.- There was a stitching factory where 170 womenand around 10 men trapped. The factory had shut down.I couldn’t find anythingabout the owner. They were from Kendraparain Odisha. They were you youngpeople from a village. Okay.- They tried everything but it all failed. Then I got a messagein twitter asking to help them. And when we startedto study the situation we found that Keralawas in a lock-down. No one could enteror exit the state. Odisha was also in a lock-down. The 2,500 kilometers to becovered was in a lock-down. So we realized that we can’tsent them via ground transport. Then I somehow gotthe airport in Cochin to be open for a few hours. I asked to open the airportat Bhubaneswar for two to two and a half hours- The airport? – Yes.The had opened the airportfor that flight only. I remember that I was talkingto them at around 3 a.m. At 3 a.m., Ibrought the 177 kids to Cochin by buses. The flight was fromCochin and it landed in Bhubaneswar at 10:30 a.m. Until then, I was coordinatingwith them on the phone and telling them that the busesare in Bhubaneswar and everything was sorted out. And they reached there. If those airports weren’topened for limited time then everyone wouldhave been stuck there that’s why I had to send themthrough flights. – Amazing! Thank you. Has it ever happened that thepeople who reached their home called you to thank you thatthey reached their home safely but they had to face a problem as they forgot some clothesback at the place.. – Oh, God! …so, if someone’s coming toGorakhpur, send it with them? I mean, does somethinglike that happen? Sometimes,people do forget their things I mean, not specificallythe briefs and vests but many people doforget their things and we have sent itback to them too.Once, we sent a train and this guy,in his excitement forgot his suitcaseat the Vasai station and at some distance he pull the emergency stopchain of the train saying that he forgothis suitcase.. – Oh my God! Like it’s his personal train. So, the train stoppedand I got a call from Mr Shuklaof the RPF at night who became a very good friendduring this time. He called me and toldme that the train has been stopped,and that means they will have to followthe protocol.. – Yes. and get permission and all,how will we do that? Somehow, our team,Govind, Vishal and others managed to handlethis and the next day we sent his luggageto Uttarakhand.So, we did that.Many times, people forget things when excited..- Yes, actually.. I even saw someoneforgetting their child and I was like,how can you forget your child just because of your excitementof going back home. Oh my God! But many times,people want to have fun and are very non-serious. I saw on his twitter handle one person wrote thathe’s walking his way to the college,so get him a motorcycle. So, do you reply to such people,who write such things? Yes, I do reply. I do rememberhow I replied to him. I had said, ‘Look,our country’s’ ‘second Prime Minister,Lal Bahadur Shastri..’ – Yes. ‘…used to swim to schoolor go on a cycle..’ – Yes. ‘…but you want a motorcycle,first be worth something’ ‘work hard,set an example’ ‘for everyone and thenyou should go.’ – Actually! Some people makesuch absurd requests saying that he hasn’tmet his girlfriend who lives in some village so, take me to her.I think he replied to itsaying that it’s been three months sincehe met his wife how can he help youto meet your girlfriend! Actually, I own anotherflat in the same building I live on the fourth floor and the other flat ison the sixth floor so, most of the time I used tosleep on the sixth floor flat because, you know,if you have kids at home, you feel like hugging them..- Right! …and show them affection, but when you’re out all dayin such environment..- Right! …then I would getscared thinking that they mightget some infection So, I think that wasa helpless situation.. – Then.. You didn’t meet your kidsall that time? – No, I used to.. But, like how we can’t showthem the affection that we used to before.- Right. But I just try to spend timewith them and have fun, but there’s this fearthat I shouldn’t pass any infection to them. And Mr Sonu,this deed that you’re doing now not just your family,but millions of families must be blessing you..- Absolutely! Thank you. – You earneda lot of blessings, Sonu. You did.- Actually! And the stories thatyou’re telling now being away from yourfamily and all..But, your family has becomepretty big now. Seriously. – Look, millionsof people are your family now. I still can’t.. Even till today,people send me messages, or photographs oftheir kids every morning I feel that, you know.. You may talk about any place,be it Assam, Uttarakhand Odisha, Bihar, UP, Jharkhand ,there are families everywhere. And the little thingsthat they do at home for example, one personprepared ‘Litti Chokha’ at home and asked me when I’ll cometo their house to eat. Many times at night,some unknown person calls me up and says that, we are.. ‘How are you, Mr Sonu?I’m here in Madhubani in Bihar’ ‘and would you liketo talk to my uncle?’ And I be like, fine,I’ll talk to him.I don’t know whothat person is.. But I think, they feel that.. You’re one of them.. – …I ama part of their family, so.. But one thing isfor sure, Mr Sonu Like how you helpedpeople from every state to go back to their home if you ever go out with yourfamily on a trip to any state you won’t be needingto book a hotel. – Absolutely. Just knock on anyone’s door, everyone’s door will beopen for you. – Absolutely. Mr Sonu, this public servicethat you’re doing you’re obviously gettingmuch blessings for it.. Ms Archana was asking whetheryou’re getting many film offers or offers to contestin elections? So, if you decide tocontest in elections then give her the moviesthat were offered to you. I’m sure her bicepsare larger than yours.. But I’m sure,people related to politics must have approached you. Well, I was.. I do know that the governorof Maharashtra called you and appreciated you and the chief minister,Uddhav Thackeray called you to his officeand appreciated you. – Yes. So, has it happened that anyparty representative told you to contest electionsfrom their side? – I’m sure. Well, no one says that directly. No, they just tell me that Ihave done a very good deed.I’ve been getting offersfrom the past 10 years to contest in electionsand that I’ll do good. But, I think as an actor I still have a lot to do.- Actually! And I thoroughly enjoy working as an actorin front of the camera. And I think that if was to bea part of a political party then I wouldn’t havebeen able to do all this I would have to take permissionbefore doing anything. – Yes. You have the support ofevery state’s government. – Yes. Absolutely, I mean,there’s no place.. I mean, that day ourentire team sat together and we were mapping whereall we sent the people to.There wasn’t a single statewhere we didn’t send the people. Wow! – We helped peoplefrom every state. Superb!- Amazing! Hey! Why are you dancing so much?Is it your aunt’s wedding today? Why are you dancing so much? I have energy worthof four months. I’ll show my talent to everyonetoday. I’ll show everything. Hi!- Hi.. Very nice, you’re on TV.. Chedilal dancer.. Very nice.. How.. How.. How are you? Is all good?Nice to meet you.I’m doing great. I’m happy that you came here. Is that all? If Mr Siddhu was here..- Yes? He would have given me astanding ovation and hugged me. You just keep makinghome videos. Here, take you standing ovation.- Yes! The mangoes have ripenedand the leaves have fell. She used to runPanchayat for farmers. Do you know,the government has unlocked the lockdown because of her. Saying her video istorturing everyone so open the lockdown.Shut it down. Stop blabbering and askMr. Sonu what he’d like to have. Yes.Very nice. What can I get you? Do you..- Maybe vitamin A, B, C ginseng, Chyawanprash? Yes, for real. They help strengthenyour immunity. – Right. And if you want to strengthenthe community you need Mr. .Round of applause everyone. Yes!Very good. Let’s hear some applauds.- Thank you.What are you doing? Keeping the safe distanceof 2 feet. I strictly followthe 2 feet distance precaution. Absolutely. – And I haven’tbath in four months. Oh..- Oh God! You see, I don’t want tobring my hands together. That’s nice. Oh how the world has changed.- It’s incredible. Nothing is in our handsanymore. Yet you managedto bring a bus. They all departed on my bus. Yes, you sent many peopleby bus. And because you did that, trainshave had a huge ego problem.And only now, they havereturned on track. Yes. Well, they wereon the track before but then they used togo off the rails because people used tosit on the tracks. So please, don’t defecateon the tracks. Go to a toilet. I’m not telling you go now,go when the need arises. Sometimes people dolisten to me. Sapna, you’ve been talkingnonsense so far. Ask Mr. Sonu how many peoplehe helped to reach home. Right.You did send many people home. A lot. – I guess you knowall the pin codes of India now. Yes, I do, and I know everyone’sproper addresses as well. Listen, you helped the peoplereach home during lockdown.But there’s man here who sentpeople home before the lockdown. Who is that man? I don’t have anythingto do with this! Let’s hear it! Applaud! Sir, Ms. Archana has a requestfor you. – Really? Since you get peoplehome on buses she wants you to help heroperate her bus. Actually, she did ring me and offered to send her busto use in my operation. When it arrived,there was no driver, no tires no petrol.It was just the exterior body. Really? – And you won’t getthe permit to run such a bus. But she has had Parmeetfor years now. And not just any old Parmeet,but a Sethi. But kidding aside, I want topraise you.. I.. Ms. Archana, what wordsdo I.. I say this fromthe bottom of my heart. All the actresses wereon one side and all the actors were on the other side,due to the lockdown.It’s true. But they were all in theirhomes but you stepped outside.I salute you. I say this from the bottomof my heart that many havegot crores of rupees but only the Americanshave dollars. What’s the exchange rateof dollars? Why will he know that? Well, he has worked inthe South. So?- So? So he must know.- They don’t use dollars there. They don’t?- No. I thought they did, sincethey do in Nalasupara. Anyway, you’ve appearedon many Southern flicks. Yes.- How many? I guess 60 to 70 films.- Wow! That many?- Yes. Can you do me a small favour?- Ask a big favour.Will you treat me to some’idli’ and ‘sambar’? Sure.That reminds me, Ms Archana. The vendors who sell thosearound Mumbai I got 230 of themback to their homes in Chennai during the lockdown.- Wow! About 230 of them.- Wow! Learn to do noble thingslike him. Rather than askingfor idli and sambar. You offer the guest, do nottake from them. I won’t offer him.- Why? I’m mad at him.- Why? He sent my partner Mukesh home. But that’s a good thing. No, he sent himto someone else’s house.I don’t knowwhen he’ll return now. He is suffering there a lot. He drank juice out thereand then got sick. Juice is good for your health. Yes, but it was fresh juice,which poor people like us aren’t used to,it makes us sick. But really, you’ve helpedmany people get home. You are now quite famousin U.P and Bihar. Now the parents are namingtheir newly born . I swear.- Actually, many have. Yes.- Yes. And Nalasupara saw a lotof new babies too. They’ve given names like’Covid Mishra’. – Wow! ‘Mask Gupta’, ‘SanitizerSharma’, and many more. The one named Sanitizerhas the toughest time. – Why? When people visit him, theyrub their hands on his face.Anyway, I have to say this. I’ve known youfor many years now. – Yes. You’re a very hard worker.You’ve helped so many people. You’ve been in many hit films. So, give me a crore, Kapil. But you always askfrom the guests, right? Look, he has just incurredhuge expenses. You can give me Rs. 50 lakh.That’ll do. – Right. I mean, you aren’tshort of money with all those hit movieslike ‘Entertainment’. Wasn’t it great? Yes, you keep mentioningabout that movie. He did other movies too. – Onefamous actor was part of that. Who was that?- You don’t know his name. Yes. – She knows him. Herbrother.. – My brother, Krishna. Krishna. – Yes, you were there,Krishna and others were there. But the dog was benefitedthe most. Yes, Krishna isso busy nowadays. I am referring to that dog. I need you in Nala Soparafor two days. Why?- What help do you want? They have seenjust the principle amount. Now, I will take him thereand show them ‘Sood’ too. Anyway, I.. I have a small beautyparlor here. – I see. We offer different typesof massage there. So I have brought the list ofdifferent types of massage for you. Okay. – We offer you a specialmassage, lockdown massage. Yes. – What do you doin this massage? – I see. In this massage, we apply oilon one leg of the customer. After that, we put his legon one shoulder. – Oh, God! After that, we apply oilon the other leg and put on the other shoulder. After that, we locktheir legs like this. After that, we makethe customer sit on the floor. Oh, lockdown!- This is how it’s ‘lockdown’. We have another massage,un-lockdown massage. What do you do in this?- In this massage we give the customera tight slap and tell him ‘Lockdown is over.Everything is open.’ ‘Go and work.Why are you sitting here?’ India’s income shouldincrease too. We should earn money.- Of course! – Of course! You worked brilliantlywith Jackie Chan, right? – Yes.Oh great! We offerJackie Chan massage too. Oh! – What do you doin that? – Great! In this massage, Jai comesto enjoy our massage. I see.- Okay? We give him a massage.But he doesn’t pay us. – I see. Then we pullhis something out. What’s that?- Jay’s chain. Jackie..- ‘Jay ki chain’. I have receivedan urgent call.- Okay. Your friend, Farah Khan..- Yes. – Yes. Her husband.. What’s his name?Shirish. – Shirish.. Yes, he left his ‘Kunder’somewhere. – ‘Kunder’.. So I need to goto give him ‘Kunder’. Go quickly.- Yes, I am going. I helped many personswho are from the industry. Shilpa Shetty’s husband,Raj Kundra..- Yes.- Yes. I went to Bandrato give him ‘Kundra’. I faced a lot of difficulties. I will take leave now. Take care of your safety, okay? Take some..- Yes.. What’s this?- Yes, thank you. – It’s okay. Apply sanitizer. – Okay.- We’ll apply ‘Sonutiser’. Sonu.. – Because henceforth,Mr. Sonu Sood is our star. Yes. – Give him a big hand.- Thank you so much.. Kappu, even you take it.Be safe. Bye.- Bye, thank you. – Bye. Friends, Mr. Sonu Soodand his team have sent so many peopleto their respective houses. Some of them arewith us now through online. Wow!- I want you to meet them. Please.- Wow! Greetings.- Greetings.. – Greetings.. I think you are not able to seeus. Are you able to see us? We are able to see you..- We are.. They can see us.- Really? How is my jacket then? It’s nice..- Greetings, how are you? Did you reachyour home safely? Greetings. Yes, we reachedhome safely. Your name is Prashant, right? Yes, Prashant Kumar Pradhan. Mr. Prashant, first of all,tell us that in hour house.. How are your family members?Are they all right? Yes, everyone is all right.My parents are very happy. Mr. Sonu sent us home.They are very happy. So sweet! – Three personsare with you now. Did all of you reach Bhubaneswarfrom Mumbai? No, from different places.- Kochi.. You came from Kochi.Okay.. Yes, from Kochi. What did you useto do in Kochi, Prashant? I was working thereas a plumber. Plumbing.. – Yes.- I can do welding too. And others were doingdifferent jobs there. When I called Mr. Sonu upfirst time.. – Okay. I got his numberfrom the internet. Mr. Sonu told me..I told him that I was not alone. There were 170 people with me.- Okay. – I see. Mr. Sonu told me that he wouldarrange a bus or a train for us. Then he told me that he wouldarrange a flight for us. Flight? – For us.. – Yes,flight.. – For all of us. I have heard that you haveopened a welding shop and named it afterMr. Sonu Sood. Yes, I have named my shopafter his name.. I mean, I closed downmy shop. It was my old shop.I reopened it again. I see. – I have namedmy shop after his name. So sweet! – So sweet!- That’s so sweet! Mr. Sonu Sood and his teamsent many persons to their respective houses. But there are still some peoplewho’re stranded in other states.Who want to go back home orwho are waiting for their turn. Would you like to tellthem something? I just want to say that Mr. Sonuis like a God to us. If someone needs help,ask Mr. Sonu for a help. And they will reach home safely. So sweet! Anyway, convey my regardsto your family members. And stay happy. And that’s it!Keep smiling. And remember Mr. Sonuwith your prayers. – God bless. So that he can continue doinggood jobs like this. Thank you. All the best.- I want to thank Mr. Sonu. The one who is behind youwearing a checked shirt.. Ask him to run every day. I would like to tellMr. Sonu one more thing. Okay. – Go ahead.- I pray to Lord Jagannath for his well-being.- Okay.So that he always stays happyin his life. Wow.. – I pray for him.- Thank you so much.. Thank you.- Thank you. – Mr. Sonu.. Prashant, thank you very much. I thank your friends too.- Thank you. Who said nothing. Thank you. Prashant, thank you very much.- Thank you. Bye.- Thank you. They are so happy. – How sweet..- So sweet! So sweet. – Next! ‘Hi, sir!’ Hello. So sweet.- ‘How are you?’ Who? Me or Mr. Sonu?- ‘Sir, I..’ Hello? How are theyable to look at us? Those cameras are live.- Phone’s camera.. – I see. ‘That’s how we arelooking at you.’ Okay, sorry.Dear, don’t get angry. Listen to me. What is your name? ‘My name is Sakshi Dubey.’- Sakshi? ‘Yes, sir.’ – And is thisyour sister with you? ‘Hi, sir! – Yes.’ What is your name?- ‘Gauri.’ Gauri. – Gauri.So sweet… Sakshi and Gauri,welcome to our show. So where are you right now? ‘Sir, because of Mr. Sonu,we’re right now in our village.’ And where will you beafter half an hour? Right now..- ‘We will bein our village later as well.’ What is the nameof your village, Sakshi? ‘Jaunpur, U.P.’ Jaunpur. – Jaunpur! And Mr. Sonu sent you home.- Yes, sir. Where were you earlier?- From where? ‘Sir, the story beginswith my sister.’ I see. – So should we sit down? Is it a long story or short? ‘It is short.’ – I see.- ‘I’ll tell you in short.’ Okay. – Okay. ‘She is very young.But what happened was..’ ‘She uses all thenetworking sites.’ Okay. – ‘So she told me’ ‘that Mr. Sonu is helpingpeople reach home.’ Wow. – She was very confidentthat he’d help us as well. Great. – ‘Then I messaged himthrough his account.’ ‘Within a day, we gota call from Mr. Vishal.’ He told us whereto reach and how. ‘We boarded the busand reached there.’ ‘Still we were getting callsfrom him to check’ ‘if we reached, boarded the busor got the seats.’ ‘He treated us nicely.’ ‘And thank you for so manychocolates and fruits.’ – Wow. So did you go to Jaunpurfrom Mumbai? ‘Yes, sir. We left from Kalyan.’ From Kalyan. Okay.So was your whole family here? ‘Yes, sir.. My mom, dad’ ‘my sister and younger brother..We were seven in total.’ When your whole family was here,why did you go to Jaunpur? ‘Jaunpur is our native village.’ I see. – Okay. No..During some crises you always miss yournative village a lot. – Yes. But are you happy now?- ‘We are very happy, sir.’ ‘Not only us,all the passengers in the bus..’ ‘Everyone was gettingcalls and saying’ ‘that Mr. Sonu helped usreach home.’ It was very nice, I mean.. Everything..Be it social distancing.. ‘Be it food, there was no lack.’ ‘We were brought homecomfortably.’ Wow! – Thank you.. ‘Sir, I’ve written a poemfor him. Shall I sing?’ Yes.. – Yes..Please.. ‘Okay. Mr. Sonuand Mr. Vishal Lamba’ ‘Greetings first of all.’ ‘It was July 4’ ‘2020. You fulfilledour wish to reach our village.’ ‘You are akin to God for us.We revere you deeply.’ ‘We do not need to giveany proof of their greatness.’ ‘They have given usa gift like Santa.’ ‘They didn’t care about people’scaste or religion.’ ‘They just kept doingthe noble deed.’ Great. – ‘And lots of loveto you, sir.’ ‘I really like you a lot.’ Wow. – Love you too.. Love you. God bless you. Thank you. – ‘Thank you, sir.’You two are very sweet. You talk very sweetly. And.. – Thank you, sir. – Giveour regards to your family. ‘Yes, sir.’ – And..- ‘Sir, we missed you a lot.’ ‘Mr. Kapil,we missed you a lot.’ Really? Thank you. But now we.. – ‘We arereally happy your show is back.’ All right, thank you.Thank you very much.Keep watching this showand be happy. And everything else is fine.God will set everything right. Thank you very much. God bless you.. Thank you.- Thank you, sir. Thank you. – ‘Take care.’ There are many otherpeople with us, online. Many other guests.. – Enough. Yes. – ‘Hello, sir!’ ‘Greetings, sir..’ Greetings. How are you? ‘We are good.’ We are also good.- ‘Sir, I am Komal.’ Komal, will you pleaseintroduce us to the others? ‘Sir, she is my grandma.’- Greetings, ma’am. ‘And she is my twin sister,Kajal. – Greetings.’ Twin sister!- Twin sister, Kajal! – Wow. Kajal! – ‘Yes, sir.’- I am missing you a lot. Kajal! So, Komal.. Komal,you went to Bihar from Delhi. ‘Yes, sir.’ – Were you alone or accompanied by yourgrandma and sister? ‘Sir, my grandma was with me.’ ‘Sir, I am doing Master’s inHistory from Delhi University.’ Wow! – ‘I was studying there’ ‘and my grandma had to undergocataract operation.’ I see.- Oh! – So, first lockdown ‘which was imposed on Mar 22..’ ‘My grandma had undergonean operation 15 days ago.’ I see.After the lockdown,colleges were shut. Everything was closed. ‘So we had to come home.’ ‘There was no transportavailable.’ ‘They were charging twiceor thrice the bus fare.’ ‘There weren’t any confirmedtrain tickets till two months.’ Oh my God!- So I tried ‘but I couldn’t findany option to go home.’ ‘Then I found outfrom the social media’ ‘that Mr. Sonu ishelping people.’ ‘So I thought perhapshe might help us.’ ‘Then I posted a tweeton the night of 17th.’ ‘That my grandma is with me.We need to go home.’ Okay. – That I am student. ‘Then I thought that thoughI posted a tweet’ ‘he is a celebrity.’ ‘So many people mustbe posting tweets’ ‘who knows if he’d checkmy tweet or not.’ So sweet.- But next day morning, I saw that he had left a reply. ‘Asking for my details.’ Wow. – Wow.- ‘And that my team’ ‘will contact you.’ ‘Then after two hours’ ‘our tickets got confirmedand he then posted a tweet’ ‘asking me to tell grandmato pack her bags’ ‘because we were going home.’ So sweet. So did you speak to Mr. Sonuover the phone or not? ‘Sir, I talkedto him on Twitter’ ‘and later his teamcontacted me.’ So, Mr. Sonu is here with us,do you want to say something? ‘Yes, sir.’ ‘Actually, I am very excitedas well as nervous.’ ‘I don’t know howor what I should say.’ ‘I am pleased to see you.’ ‘And, Mr. Kapil,thank you very much.’ ‘Because of you,we are able to thank Mr. Sonu.’ Thank you. Thank you, Komal. How.. – Mr. Sonu, thank youvery much for helping usin such a situation when I had lost all the hopes. And I am feeling good..I am feeling good to see your grandma. I remember seeing thephotographs which you had sent. And today, I am gladthat you are at your home along with your family.The joy on your grandma’s face.. Upon seeing it,even we are feeling joyful.Because she is happy and you are at your homealong with your family. Well done. Thank you. Komal, your grandmotheris very cute. ‘Thank you, sir.’ Both of you should kissyour grandmother on her cheeks. It would be great. Wow! Thank you!Thank you, Komal and Kajal! Thank you, ma’am.Thank you a lot. We have more guests. Hello. – ‘Hi, sir.’ ‘My name is Amrit.’ Greetings.Amrit, is that your mother? ‘Yes, she is my mother.’- Greetings, ma’am. ‘Greetings.’- Greetings. ‘Greetings, sir.’ So, Amrit, what is your story? ‘Sir, I am a part of theIndian National Karate Team.’ Oh wow!- ‘And..’ ‘I am a gold medalist at theCommonwealth Championship.’ ‘and a three-time South-Asiangold medallist.’ – Wow! – Great! You deserve these claps. We feel proud when the women of our countryachieve such goals.’Sir, we had a President Cupmatch in Goa, in January.’ ‘During the match,I sustained a knee injury’ ‘which was an ACL tear.’ ‘I happened while playing.’- Okay. ‘After that, the doctor saidI had to undergo an operation.’ ‘For that, we tried in manyplaces. We kept trying’ ‘for a few months at governmenthospitals and other places.’ ‘But due to COVID,it wasn’t possible.’ – Yes. ‘I have a brothernamed, Aniket.’ ‘He suggestedstarting a fundraiser’ ‘so as to collect moneyfor the operation.’ ‘This surgeryis quite expensive.’ Okay.- ‘The response wasnt good.’ ‘Then another brother of mine,Anmol Singh..’ ‘We knew about the charity work’ ‘that Mr. Sonu was doingfor the migrants.’ ‘We had hope that we mightget a response’ ‘from him.So, we decided to try.’ ‘He tagged Mr. Sonu on Twitterand told him about our problem.’ ‘Mr. Sonu’s team respondedwithin 15 minutes’ ‘and he respondedin some time too.’ ‘He said the expenditure of mysurgery would be borne by him.’ ‘And within a week,my knee operation’ ‘was done at Yatharth Hospitalby Dr. Amit and Dr. Ankur’ ‘in a great manner.’ ‘I would like to tell you’ ‘that before the operation,I talked to Mr. Sonu.’ ‘During the operationand even after it ended’ ‘Mr. Sonu, Mr. Govind,and Mr. Manish’ ‘cared so much for me.Not even once..’ ‘They were so connectedto the process’ ‘that we never felt the Mr. Sonuwas in Mumbai’ ‘and overseeing my operation.’ ‘He was so closely connectedto the operation..’ ‘I mean he got my surgery doneby staying’ ‘connected to the doctorsand others.’ ‘For that, I am so thankfuland grateful to you.’ ‘I cannot express in wordshow blessed I am feeling.’ ‘But, sir, next year,we have a World Championship.’ ‘I will surely wina medal there’ ‘and I willmake you proud, sir.’ Great! Amrit, we are alreadyproud of you. ‘Thank you.’- We pray to God that you become fit and represent our country again.And yes. We need only gold. We are greedy.- God bless you. ‘Thank you, sir.’- So.. God bless you, Amrit. We greet your mother as well.Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.- Thank you. – ‘Thank you.’ Thank you and God bless you.- Thank you. Thank you. Oh!- Oh! Sir, greetings! ‘Greetings, sir..’ – Sir, wehave seen you in films. How are you? ‘I am doing well.’ ‘It’s great.’ – I didn’t thinkit was Mr. Surendra. I thought it was John. Sir, you are looking greatwearing that hat. How are you? ‘I am doing well..And this..’ ‘I am living in a farmhouse.’ Okay.- ‘I am having a great time.’ ‘Where are you now,Mr. Surendra?’ ‘There is a district named Pannain Madhya Pradesh.’ ‘It has diamond mines.’ ‘So..’- Please send a diamond to us.’Even today,a big diamond was mined.’ ‘And another diamondis sitting in front of you.’ Great! So, what is your story,Mr. Surendra? When did you returnto Madhya Pradesh? Where were you stuck? ‘Oh, my story is simple.’ ‘The miracles that he has doneare extraordinary.’ Wow!- Indeed. ‘The thing is’ ‘things worsenedfor me in two months.’ ‘I am not someone who staysat one place for long.’ ‘I was living in a small room’ ‘and I was not permittedto go out.’ Okay, sir.- ‘So, such things affect’ ‘you psychologically a lot.’- Yes, indeed. – Yes. ‘So, I was talking to someone..It was a usual call’ ‘inquiring about howI was doing.’ ‘So, I told them my problem’ ‘that I am unable to go out.’ ‘I am still comprehendingthe fact’ ‘that my wordsreached Sonu Sood.’ Wow.- ‘The more surprising thing’ ‘is that he foundmy phone number’ ‘and called me inquiringabout my health’ ‘and my problem.’ ‘He asked me about the modeof transport I wanted to take.’ ‘I became very happy. When weworked together in one film’ ‘my interactionwith him was limited.’ Okay. – ‘I hada few dialogues with him.’ Yes. – ‘Later, in real life,I saw that he was’ ‘like a superhero.’ ‘He was distributing foodto everyone.’ ‘Not everyone has this passion.’ Yes. – Indeed.- ‘Even we were worried, right?’ Yes. – ‘We couldn’t do anything.We left it to someone else.’ Yes. – Right.- ‘He didn’t think the same.’ ‘He did the job himself.’ Yes.- Indeed! Thank you.. ‘Sonu Sood is so muchyounger to me’ ‘but in my eyes, he standsmuch taller in respect’ ‘than many others.’ – Wow!- Wow.. – Thank you, sir. Wow.. Thank you so much for your time!- ‘Thank you very much!’ Thank you, sir..- ‘Thank you..’ Greetings, how are you?- How are you? I am doing great,thanks to your grace.Please tell us your name. My name is Shahidul Islam, sir. Shahidul,where are you speaking from? I am speaking from Assam.- Assam.. – You’re in Assam. Yes. – That’sgreat. I’d like you to share your story with us. Sir, I was in Pune.- Yes. I was working in a hoteland a canteen.- Okay.. – Okay.. I couldn’t get out of my roomfor two months. We heard that there’s a trainon 3rd of June. So, we left for Mumbaion 1st June and we spent a nightunder a bridge. We didn’t get any place.- I see.. – And then.. We called Mr. Sonu Sood. We got his numberthrough some contacts. Okay.- And I spoke to Mr. Sood. When I spoke to Mr. Sood,he asked me not to worry and agreed to help us by not sending us homein a train or a bus. He offered to send us homeby flight. – Wow! – Wow! We were very happyafter hearing this. And then, Mr. Sood sent food forus. That was very kind of him. We had never eatensuch amazing food. He sent food! – He senta lot of food.. – How sweet! We had the foodthat he sent for us. We were picked up in a vehicle and we stayed invery nice rooms. Mr. Sonu Sood provided uswith amazing facilities. He would call usand check up on us. My God! – Mr. Sood was doingso much for us. We didn’t knowhow to thank him. I don’t know how to thank him. He was so kind to us.We still talk about Mr. Sood because he helped us..- That’s amazing.. You have helpedso many people.. You’re right, Shahidul. Whensomeone helps us during a crisis they leave an impressionon our hearts. I pray that such a crisisnever arises in our nation. The people who went homebecause of your efforts they will remember your effortsfor the rest of their lives and they will always bless you.- Thank you so much..Shahidul,thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Would you like to say somethingto Mr. Sonu? Yes! Mr. Sonu,I love you. We love you a lot. You helped us a lotduring this pandemic. I hope to meet you,someday. I pray that I meet you. All right.. – I wasn’t goingto come to Mumbai but after seeing your love,I’d go there again. How sweet! Shahidul.. Shahidul, don’t worry. Stay safe and happy.When we have time I will call you to Mumbaiand we shall meet again. And we shallhave a meal together. Thank you, Shahidul.Thank you! I love you, too! Hello? – Thank you..- The call.. He hung upwhen I spoke to him! Darn it! Come on, sir. Mr. Archana.. Sonu helped those peoplewho were stranded in our country by helping themreturn home. I would like to shareanother news with you. He works internationally now.- Oh! In the movie ‘Airlift’..- Yes.. Mr. Akshay rescues Indiansfrom abroad, in a flight.Yesterday, I sawin the social media that.. Where is Kyrgyzstan? Yes, Kyrgyzstan..- Please tell us what happened. Since two to three months there are around 4000 medicalstudents in Kyrgyzstan. Okay.- They were tagging me by saying they were strandedand many people were infected by Corona virus. They were no facilitiesfor treatment. Many people were trying to helpand I was tagged as well. But I was busy helpingthe local migrants.. – Yes.. I was wondering how to help the people strandedin Kyrgyzstan. When few parents asked me to help their stranded children I studied the entire system I sought permission fromthe Kyrgyzstan embassy the ambassadors and theauthorities in our country.We have made a chart.- I see.. As we speak right now we rescuedalmost 2200 students during the first batch. And 1800 studentsduring the second lot. 4000 students have returned toIndia. – Wow! – That’s amazing! Thank you.. That’s amazing! Mind-blowing. I would like to add.. Ma’am, I am from Moga.It’s a city. – Moga.. And my motherwas a professor. When I was going to Mumbai,she told me.. ‘Sonu, you can considerthat you have attained success’ ‘when you help someone’ ‘who doesn’t expectany help from you.’ ‘If you help someonewho asks for it’ ‘do not regard that as help.’ ‘If that person doesn’texpect any help from you..’ ‘If you help such a person,you’ll attain success.’ I think,during this crisis..Wow!- I could help because of my mother’sblessings. I have heard that Sylvester Stallone was his idol. You are so fit. I saw that you exercisewith your son. Who is his idol?Is it you or someone else? I’ll tell you thatbut I have a question. Okay. I’m so happy that you askedthis question. The reason is that you correctly pronouncedSylvester Stallone two times. How did you do that? What do you think I was doing duringthe three months of lock-down? I remembered this name. But he still can’t say’Sylvester’. He will say in Punjabi tone,’Sivester’. Sivester Stallone.. Sylvester Stallone.. He pronounced it correctly.- Wow. Sylvester Stallone is notas difficult as Archana Puran Singh. You know, In Moga,Mr. Sonu’s father owned a shop. Is it still there?It’s still there. The name of that shop..Let’s see the picture first. Wow.Bombay cloth house. This is in Moga, Punjab.- Yes. Why did he name itas Bombay Cloth House? Why Bombay Cloth House? Did you come to Mumbaibecause you wanted it or was it your father’s dream? No. I never thoughtof becoming an actor. Okay.- We had this shop. There used to be a brandcalled Bombay Dyeing. We had an agency for that. So, it was namedBombay Cloth House. It’s still there. Though my dad is not anymore. I told all the staff to considerthat as their own shop. I told them to run it as before. I don’t want anything from it.The memories of my fathershould be preserved. That’s so wonderful. That shop is stillup and running. You managed to send so manypeople to their homes. We have been listeningto their stories. I have a photograph of you. I want to know thestory behind that. Show it please. Look at this.- Wow. This is called MST. I know itbecause I also had one. Yes.- Monthly Seasonable Ticket. When did you get that? Is this afteryou came to Mumbai? Yes. This was when I came to Mumbaifor the first time in 1997. Okay- After I completed my studies I came here to knowmore about the city.I got a first-class train pass. It was fromBorivali to Churchgate. I had to pay Rs. 420for a first-class pass. I was told to get a first-classpass to avoid the rush. Yes.- Right. Normal class passused to cost Rs. 113. Rs. 420 was a big amountfor me at that time. But I got it. With this pass I used to travel betweenChurchgate and Borivali from morning till eveningto visit all the offices there.Everest Building.Famous Building. Everywhere. I used to submit my photographsto all these offices and around 6 o’clock, whenthe peak time for trains starts I used to return to Andherifrom Churchgate by train. This is that pass.I still have this pass. So sweet.- Wow. These are the memories. You know that film starsare surrounded by rumors. Now you are not onlya film star but also.. You got it. Right? You are a superstar.- You are better than that. Here are a few rumorsabout you. Okay. First, during lock-down, men did many house choresthat they never did before. It is rumored that because you were alsoforced to do those chores that’s why you came outand dropped a few people home. After that, this all started. Is it true, sir? May this be true. But I like doing house choresthough it’s not needed.I like to indulge myselflike that. The truth is I had no idea what to doduring lock-down. Everyone was trying new hobbies,like baking, etc. No one has any experienceof that. I also tried to learna few things. It was fine initiallybut I was not satisfied. I wanted to do something elsein life. I prayed to God to show mea way to do something good.It was as if Godheard my prayers. How showed me this pathto come out of my house. And everything went well.- Superb. Another rumor is that you sentso many people to their homes that once you senta few people to Azamgarh who were out to buya few things. Is this rumor true, sir? I hope it’s not true. I’ll be in big troubleotherwise. When we used to go thenwe obviously didn’t know anyone. If we are supposed to send1000 people by buses. we used to find a crowdof 3000 there. We had no idea whomwe were supposed to send. Then, what? Everyone was eagerto get into the buses. The people we were supposed tosend were not able to get into. Then we had to requestothers to get down. But who already gotinto the buses they didn’t want to get down. Then we had to tellothers to wait while we try to arrange transportationand permits for others. Another rumor is thatyou are the Nagraj of our childhoodcomic book, ‘Nagraj’.Yes.- Nagraj had six-pack abs. It’s true. This was an embarrassing moment. When I started my careerin Delhi I got my first role as Nagraj. Wearing that green costume I went on shooting in Delhi. We had a small crewof 20 people. I was the firebreathing, flying Nagraj. Later, my photograph was printedin that comic book too. I became famous in Delhiat that time. Once, in Lajpat Nagar Market I saw a comic bookwith my photograph on it. I felt embarrassed thinkingthat I wasn’t like that at all. My sister-in-lawtold me to buy one to keep it as a memory. “You will feel good seeing thiswhen you become a star.” I told herthat I didn’t want that. I didn’t buy it but now I regret that I don’t have that memoryof being Nagraj. Imagine your kids asking youhow you did fire-breathing. Another rumor is that you wrote the famous dialogueof movie ‘Dabangg’. Yes.- What? I remember that we wereshooting in Filmaalay.It was the first day of shootafter ‘Munni Badnaam’. Abhinav and I have beenvery close friends. He used to assist during ‘Yuva’. I like writing dialogues. The directors whomI have worked with know that I write. But I never tell themthat it’s a good line or ask them to check the line. Abhinav and I were good friends.So, we would explore a lot. That is when we came upwith that dialogue ‘I’ll make so many holesin you’.. I gave him the idea. Abhinav and I molded itand used it. When Mr. Salman heard it he said, ‘your dialoguesare amazing’. ‘But don’t forgetwho has written them.’ But you know, I remembershooting in Wai. Mr. Salman and I were goingin the same car. Mr. Salman asked me,’Sonu, you are very tall’. ‘Are you comfortable?’ I said, ‘the hands of lawand Sonu Sood’s kick’ ‘are very powerful.’ He said that it wasan amazing dialogue. The next day we shotthat dialogue ‘the hands of lawand Chedi Singh’s kick’ ‘are very powerful.’That is how we got it. – Wow! Hey!- Wow! Hey! How are you, Ms. Archana?- Hi, Baccha. Hey!- Hey! Mr. Sonu! Somebody told methat Mr. Sonu has come. I did not believe it. But you are here.- Yes. – Absolutely. Wow! I feel blessed today. But I don’t know whetherto greet you, say hello or send a tweet. Ms. Archana, he has donesuch a noble deed. – Absolutely. Let’s have a huge roundof applause.Please clap for him. Let’s have a huge round ofapplause for Kapil Sharma too. Why me? You have invited the onewho sends everyone home to your house.That’s amazing. It’s a big deal. Kapil, you know what?- What? Do you know why did it rain latein Mumbai this year? – Why? Because we didn’t haveblack clouds as much as we sawSonu Sood this year. Mr. Sonu, now thatI have praised you a lot don’t get impressedand send me home because I don’t want to go.- We don’t want to go. By chance, if you wantto send me anywhere please send me to Bangkok. Let’s go. – I’m quite tiredafter this lockdown. But shall I tell you the truth? I am very happyafter meeting you today.Liar! You have been happysince childhood. I mean, you are overgrown now.- Overgrown! What’s wrong in that? Trees give oxygen.- Yes. Mr. Sonu sends peopleto their houses. Ms. Archana boasts of a lot. You just need the zealto do something. – Absolutely. Isn’t it?- Absolutely. – Correct? I think I will also startleaving now. – Get lost! Go there and do it.Not here. You cannot fart here just because we don’t havean audience now. – No. Don’t do anything here.- That is not what I meant. I had done thatas soon as I entered. Forget about that.I’m planning to stop eating’Samosas’ and ‘Kachoris’ because I have realized that I have gained a little bitof weight. A little bit?- A little bit? No, I mean..- You’ve gained so much that your bellybuttonhas fallen there. The valve has been opened. What did you say?- Go, Baccha. Stop it now. Go.- No, why should I stop? I will tweet.And he will check my tweetand book a bus for me. Correct? Very good! Mr. Sonu, I havea question for you. – Yes. Do you fly a plane too? Because you have sent manypeople home through flights. Yes. – It was the pilotwho flew the plane. No, Pilot has quit his party. Wow! – Very good.- Wow! Kapil Sharma!- Wow! There is an error in yourknowledge. You don’t know anything. How did an A grade thoughtcome from a D grade brain? Wow!- This is the limit! Mr. Sonu, I watchedthe trailer of your movie. I enjoyed it a lot. – Hey,which movie of his is releasing? No, it is not releasing.I will produce it. I have a plan, Mr. Sood. I am producing your biopic.- Amazing! I have titled the movie as’Sonu’s Sony’s Tweetu’. – Wow! ‘Sonu’s’..- ‘Sonu’s Sony’s Tweetu’. ‘Sonu’s’.. Why did you includeSony in his biopic? Kapil Sharma, when there areproblems in life only two people are helpful. Sonu and Sony!- Wow! Mr. Sony.. isn’t it?- And in that biopic he is playing the roleof the bus. I will take everyone. Mr. Sony, if you liked my acting please pay me for the repeattelecast of the past four months.- Payment! Because I have to paythe electricity bill. The amount is huge.- The amount is huge. I cannot afford to pay it. Baccha, narrate the story.- Let me narrate the story. Mr. Sonu, you are sending peopleback to their homes. You reach the villagewith the people. That is when the villagescome running after seeing their dear ones. You say, ‘stop! Nobody willmove from their spots’. Why? – Social distancing!- Okay.Absolutely. – Distancehas to be maintained. You cannot go very closeto people. – Not at all. But the village headis a huge fan of yours. He comes forwardand shakes hand with you. Did he shake hands?- Yes. – Then? Then? The village headwashed his hands. Okay. What happened after that? Mr. Sonu washed his hands then. After that? – The villagerswashed their hands. – Oh, God! After that, the peoplewho came with Mr. Sonu washed his hands. Mr. Sonu washed his handswith all the villagers. How many hands are you washing? It is important to wash hands.Don’t stop me. – Yes. Wash your hands tillthe pandemic exists. Wash your hands after that too.- Yes. I cannot repeat thisevery now and then. Try to understand.This is Sony’s huge show. They charge moneyfor every second. And Sony airs in so many houses.Imagine the bill of Sony. The more the numberof people watch Sony the more it will benefit them.Will it be a benefit for them?- Yes. Why don’t they share itwith us then? Listen! Share it with us.- It’s very important. No problem.They will share it. Narrate the next partof the story. The story, Mr. Sood. You have reachedwith the villagers. Now, their wives come there. They cannot recognizetheir husbands. Why?- They have worn masks. Remove the mask then.- ‘Maks’! You have to pay a fineof Rs. 500 if you remove it. Who will pay the fine? I’m not able to paythe electricity bill. Who will pay the fine?No. There is no romancein the movie? – Of course! Look at his body.There is a heroine. He has such a good physique. There is a heroine. Don’t worry.- It is very important. Don’t worry.- Okay. – Then? The heroine meets himand they fall in love. Mr. Sonu writes the heroine’sname on his hand every morning. When he shows her the namein the evening her name disappears.- Why? He washed his hands. Absolutely! Don’t make him washhis hands then. I can’t do that, Kapil. No matter how much weight I gain I will not letthe disease spread. Well said!Superb! Baccha, do one thing. Sanitise your story first. There is no villainor suspense in your story. There is, Mr. Sonu. The heroine’s brotheris the villain. – Okay. – Okay. This is the suspense.Did you see that? I narrated the whole story.Did you realize it? No. – No, right?You did not realise. – No. The heroine’s brotheris the villain. He says that this weddingcannot take place. But Mr. Sonu is afterthe heroine. The brother says that it’s wrongthat he’s after my sister.But it’s good that hewashes his hands. Very good. This makes him happy and he joins his hands.- He joins his hands. Then? – Mr. Sonu washeshis hands then. Hey!- Hey! He washed his handsa little while ago. Be it Sonu Sood,Tom Cruise or Santacruz everyone will have to washtheir hands. – That’s true.And you have to wash itfor 30 seconds. How are you, Mr. Sonu?- I’m good. Very good. Are the buses okay?- Yes. – Very good. I have been waking up at 4 a.mfrom the last 30 years. But I didn’t get the famethat he got in the lockdown from the people.- Amazing. – Thanks. I heard that a biopicis being made. – Yes. And Akshay Kumararrives on his own wherever a biopic is being made.Mr. Sonu, sit. Sit.- Sit. You had refused to actin this movie, right? I don’t do what I say. And I definitely dowhat I refuse. What is your problem? Have you brought this busalong with you? He seems to be a hefty director.Narrate the story. – Yes. Listen, this is howthe story begins. The alarm rings at 10 a.mand you wake up.Are you out of your mind? I wake up at 4 a.mand not 10 a.m. What do you doby waking up at 4 a.m? I see who else is sleeping. I snatch their work then. Understood? Why are you laughing?I had snatched your ad too. Wake up at 4 a.m.Become independent. You said a good thing.Become independent! Otherwise, there are some peoplewho still depend on their uncle. Get lost, you gust of wind.Scratch your skin. Switch off the lightand sleep, you idiot. A lady is standingat the doorstep and ringing the bellcontinuously. Everything is all right.There are milk and curds. ‘Mava Maska’ belongsto the rich. My life is ruined.I have to feed eight people. I’ll do this or that. I’ll come here or go there. I’ll call a fair person dark.I’ll mock my brother-in-law. I’ll call a river a tap.I’ll open a lock without a key.Don’t say anything about me.Keep quiet. Don’t say anything. Don’t advice meeven if I am lying or if I am having coffeewith curds. Well done!- Wow! What was this?- Talent. Nothing happensjust by fixing a ponytail. You need to be talented too. Sir, do you want tohear the story? – Yes. – Okay. The hero is in his house. I’m sitting idle in the housefor four months! This year, I’ve to do 10 films. This time I’m even readyto do regional films. Say that again.- Regional films. I do what I say. I don’t do what I don’t agree.I’ll also do South Indian films. Shall we continue.- Sure. Go ahead. Okay. You’re not in the house.Happy? – Yes.You go for work. – Okay. You get work to fillsome boxes with fruits. Will you thrash himor I’ll do that? – Go ahead. Nonsense! Am I a starto fill boxes of fruits? Fruits in boxes!- It’s been a good four months. Four months..- Very good, Krushna! I’m not a starto fill boxes with fruits. I’ll do films and pay my taxes. Of course, sir.Pay your tax. But listen to my story.- Go ahead. There are people who wantto go home but they can’t. They message you for helpand you send them by air. No. I’ll send them by road. Why? – I’ve done Airlift..Now, I’ll lift every day.Now, I’ll lift a train! I’ll lift everything. As you’re doing good work then, mimic Akshay Kumarin a good way. Forget it. I’ll sign you. I’m ready for a film.Please sign this. It’s a contract.I will sign you. I don’t sign. – Then what..- I sanitise. – What? Just a moment. Show this.- That is mine. This is my new sign. Glue! Get it? You ruined my film!- Get lost! – No! I don’t want to doany films with you. Let him do his biopic.I don’t need it. Don’t do my film.- Wait. I got a call. Hello. The phone already rang. Hello. Do your work. Is Ajay Devgn signinga biopic film? Sure. I’m on my way.Driver, get my car. Driver. No. I’m telling my driver. Come on! People have lost itduring their quarantine. Bye. Goodbye. Lovely! He left. I’ve a plethora of jokes.May I.. – Sure. Here it comes. In English we tell someone..’Take this straw’. – Yes. That’s what we say.- Yes. In Hindi we also say the same. How will you conveythe same in Punjabi? – How? Astrology..’Aay Straw Lawjee’! – Wow! ‘Aay Straw Lawjee’! ‘Aay Straw Lawjee’!- Yes. ‘Aay Straw Lawjee’!Goodbye, sir. This was fun. Thank you very much. We’ll definitely make a film,sir. – Sure! – Thank you. Archana. – Yes. The humble workwhich Mr. Sonu is doing.. Even his friendsare associated with him. I’d like to call uponMs. Neeti Goel who is working with himshoulder-to-shoulder. Please welcome, Neeti Goel! Come. Please sit.- Please come. Sit. Ms. Neeti, welcome to our show.- Thank you so much, Mr. Kapil. Thank you, Sonu. I’d like to say that peoplehave requested that they want to meet Sonu’s friends who’ve helped.Welcome to the show. – Thanks,Mr. Kapil. – Congratulations. You’re doing a humble work.Neeti, please tell us how did you associatewith Mr. Sonu. Sonu and Iare childhood friends. He’s from Moga and I’mfrom Chandigarh. – Wow! We were family friends. We used to meet upduring holidays. Either of us used to cometo Chandigarh or go to Moga. The nostalgic gameof ‘Gulli Danda’. – Yes. We used to play that together.- Wow! As we’re from Punjab..You know that once friends we never give upthat friendship for life. In Mumbai, we askif we can come over. But in Punjab, there aren’tany formalities. Kapil, even now,when I wake up I see someone standing near me. He introduces himselfand asks for a photo. I’d say no.. So this.. – They’d enterthe bedroom! That’s it! I.. – That’s so sweet..- Actually.. It’s a beautiful culture.Love is acceptance.Yes.. – No one would go tosomeone’s house like that.. Neeti, I’m surprisedto hear that you’re his childhood friend. Yes.. – I used to wonder if childhood friendscould be intelligent. Listen.. – When we’re kids,we don’t know whom to befriend..- ‘Whom to befriend’.. Whether or not that personwould be good.. That’s right.. Archana,Neeti has many restaurants And, Neeti Archana owes creditin every restaurant. Oh, God.. – So if she..- Archana please visit my restaurantsand make credit there as well. It’ll be my pleasure. Just as the restaurants open I’ll definitely.. I’d love to..- Yes, please come.. Of course.. – It’ll be mypleasure. Kapil? You don’t have to invite me. That you have restaurantsis all I needed to know. She’ll be going therewhen she leaves from here.Then you’ll know how muchthe people of Dehradun value their friends. Archana, for every mission.. Sonu is the faceof the operations.. But those who support him.. His core team also makes substantialcontribution. I’d like Sonu’s team to come to the stageand Sonu introduce them to the audience. Please, welcome..Please come, sir. Yes! Come here, sir.. Wow!- Well.. Viewers, all these warriors that you see..They’re Sonu’s friends, supporters.. Working together day and night they accomplishall the good deeds. I’d like you, Sonu,to introduce your friends to us. This is the team.. They’re the real warriorswho stood by us.. Day and night.. First I’d liketo introduce Kartik. All the IT stuff.. All the intelligent stuff..Keeping track of people..Lakhs of calls.. – Wow! Coordinating that team.. He used to handle that. Suchitra..Within the calls.. Even in the event of thousandsof phone calls she’d tell everyone the proper place and timethey need to be. Like, the train to Gorakhpur.. How to get to Bihar.. Suchitra handled it all..- Suchitra! He’s Sadhu.. He’s a man with technicalknowledge whom everyone usedto coordinate with. Like sending people in the right place.. Taking care of such stuff.. Oh, my God!- Sadhu used to handle it. Chintan used to handle it. Chintan and I have known each otherfor over 10 years. All the..Kapil, when thousands of people gather to prevent chaos and to mentallyprepare everyone..That they’d reach theirdestination safely. These two would talk to those peopleand prepared them mentally.. That they’ll reach their homeand ease their worries. And you know.. They used tohandle it. – Wow! – Nice job! And.. KK..The captain of the ship.. In technical matters.. He invented a whole IVR systemfor when thousands of callscome inbound.. He worked on sending themmessages.. The codes.. If 5,000 people were to go making sure eachperson had a code.. – Wow.. Wow.. – And how to getthat code.. KK used to handle it. Govind.. I think he’s spent20 hours a day on streets giving food to people to get people to trains.. And between stations..Govind.. Ajay Dhawa.. He’s.. He’s my college friend. Okay.. – He’s beenmy roommate in Nagpur.. I’d trouble him everyday. I’d tell him come and help people..Everyday he’d call to his parentsand complaint to them. He’d say that I’d be responsible if anything wereto happen to him.That I took him out So, Ajay.. Pankaj is my ChatteredAccountant. Okay.. – I made hima warrior as well.. I’m sorry, Pankaj, for all thebeatings you got because of me. He’d get beaten up..He and Vishal.. I think.. Vishal..Vishal is an actor as well. Is that so? – These two havealways been warriors.. – Wow! The police has beaten them..- Really? They’d wear masks..- Okay.. When people would gatherin thousands.. You have the police there,them.. They wouldn’t know who handled people so they’dbeat them as well.. I once spoketo a policewoman.. She gave me the permission.. Okay.. – But she slappedme later because I hadn’t beenwearing a mask previously. Oh.. All that happened.. We all apologiseto you for that.. But the peace of mindthat you feel right now..Like Ajay said.. If anything happened to him,Sonu was responsible. But now that you getso much love.. Who’d you givethe credit for that? Of course, it’s Mr. Sonu. Of course, he is.. But you guys have also made alot of contribution.. – A lot.. So I’d like to congratulateyou all.. And thank you all for such a good work.. Vishal is an actor …Vishal Lamba… I have hit him a lot too.I had called him and said sorry. Even to Govind and even Pankaj that theygot hit because of me but I think they were very… They were chargedup that they can go through this for the country. When work such miracle then suchthings seem like tiny incidents. And lastly Aril as far as food is concerned for thousands of peoplein buses and trains. Everywhere, Aril and his teamwere a part of the food team and reached with the food.Aril was heading it. This is the team we really… Go on, sir. When we got attacked three of them, Pankaj,Govind and Vishal. – Yes. It happened at Vasai stationthe on ground team was there. I saw that they didn’treact especially Mr. Pankaj. He just walked out quietly. The entire crowd left and whenwe leaving at about 3:00 a.m. I asked why didn’t reactand he said a line… It defines the entireteam’s principle. I didn’t react because I wasn’tthere as an individual, Pankaj. I am representing Sonu Sood!- Oh my God! They were all insuch high spirits and we were all strugglingto reach there. – Fantastic! The people we were helping out they all took our numbers. All our numbers are storedwith the migrants with one name. As Sonu Sood.- Wow… Wonderful! Everyone had Sonu Sood’s pictureas their whatsapp picture. The problem that we faced was… Okay. – We’d receivewhatsapp messages from them and even Mr. Sonuwould send us messages. We used to get confusedas to whose message it is. We used to wonder why SonuSood wants to go home? It had his picture andsuch messages poured in.He’s so famous now. We are also famous, atleast our numbers did. Wonderful! – Well done.- Such stories were a part of your journey.- I can’t tell you. They say in life… I am from Punjab.I used to manage father’s store. Student Electronics.Worked in South Indian films. I even worked in Chinesefilms. I did a lot in life. But these 120 days that we spent on the road were the most importantdays of my life… The happiness and the motivation I have feltI’ve never felt for a film which turned outto be a blockbuster…I was never thishappy when I saw a bus or a train. It felt like every filmis being declared a hit. It felt so fulfilling…- Like they say if you get to impact one life you are very fortunate. You have impacted lakhsof life so positively. Yes. – You are very fortunate. India is so fortunate thatduring these testing times a person like you is here.- Thank you, ma’am. Right… I would like to add…- Yes. Since a few months,the entire nation everyone felt low andhow will everything will come back to normal.I don’t think therecould be a better beginning than TheKapil Sharma Show. – Come on. To bring back the happiness. Thank you. – This is a goodbeginning and I am sure that the coming months will behappier. – Thank you. You made such a good beginning.- Thank you. You all came here andmake our show memorable. We feel fortunateto have met you and heard your story. – Thanks.- A story so inspiring… Thank you all once again. May God keep youhappy and healthy. Like the elders always say that if a man intends welfare no matter what the problem isif you have a pure heart more people join your army. You can see that Sonu andhis team are an example. A huge round of applausefor all of them. We all want that onevery person is happy and a smile.The disease loses to us. Hence, I would like to say.Be happy, keep smiling. Be happy and doubleup your immunity. Good night! Sweet dreams!Thank you!.

The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 - Sonu Sood - Nation's Superhero - Ep 129 - Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020

The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 - Sonu Sood - Nation's Superhero - Ep 129 - Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020

The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 - Sonu Sood - Nation's Superhero - Ep 129 - Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020

The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 - Sonu Sood - Nation's Superhero - Ep 129 - Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020

The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2 - Sonu Sood - Nation's Superhero - Ep 129 - Full Episode- 2 Aug, 2020

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