The Plumber: Ross’ story – Plumbers Majestic

The Plumber: Ross’ story

The Plumber: Ross' Story

The Plumber: Ross' Story

The Plumber: Ross' Story

My name is Ross Ingham,
I'm a plumber gas fitter. Literally finished my licensing
through CIT. Yeah, I'd always wanted to do
an or a trade of some description. Plumbing was the one
that stood out most for me because it's just the diversity
in the trade. Studying as a mature age student,
myself, I guess, is a bit daunting, starting in a trade where you have
to learn from scratch all the basics , I guess, with the vision in mind
that it's all worth it in the long run. Coming out of my ,
we took on a first-year . MATTHEW: I'll start my job
and he'll oversee the work that I do. When he's overseen my work,
he'll give me pointers on what to do, what not to do. He'll also be at your side and teach me,
have a look over his shoulder and tell me the process I need to go
through to get to where he is now. Probably one of the most rewarding
things I've done is seeing him develop. Him being proud of what he does as well
is really rewarding for me and, I guess, and him.

The Plumber: Ross' Story

The Plumber: Ross' Story

The Plumber: Ross' Story

The Plumber: Ross' Story

Being a finalist, first of all,
in ACT Awards and winning that
was pat on the back enough. You know, I worked pretty hard
through my apprenticeship so to get that recognition at the end was a really rewarding experience
for myself. Doing an apprenticeship is rewarding
or beyond rewarding for anyone thinking about doing it. If they're ready to commit,
the rewards at the end are overwhelming..

The Plumber: Ross' Story

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The Plumber: Ross' Story

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