There’s a new plumber in town – Plumbers Majestic

There’s a new plumber in town

There's A New Plumber In Town

There's A New Plumber In Town

There's A New Plumber In Town

yo it's rom time again there's a plumber in town or two we have super jarrio bros featuring jario and duigee and i'm definitely picking duigee cause look how cool he looks but also he's like reverse luigi or something the note said that he accelerates faster and is like heavier yeah i can tell i like fall faster let's watch this fast excel whoa look at him go he's like uh it's like i'm playing fox for melee or something fast faller plumber character this is great okay that's some creepy goomba faces i always say i would play luigi any chance i get where he doesn't have lost levels physics because i don't like those but duigee my man he has great physics also no lie i once made a character in an mmo named luigi so this is like fate dude he looks so cool art style is really interesting because it's like it's like more detailed and less detailed at the same time nice that's good [Music] look at him go it's also a lot of times when people make physic changes they feel a little unnatural like maybe a little too far but this feels good [Music] triple reverse kick okay and react [Music] the piranha plants look like uh something i guess they look like that flower in luigi's mansion that like you get money out of i don't know they remind me of something they're just so round [Music] okay i figured this would go this way it's gonna keep going i'm here for the ride oh boy still here for the ride what is going on down there oh is goomba the boss okay why does the lava look like that you're welcome toad okay all right a bit of a bright background but we have mushroom platforms so i forgive them fastest grabs in the west [Music] wow fastest falls of all plumbers oh and in case it wasn't just implied jarrio just has normal physics like mario which is weird because they're so unrelated [Music] this feels so fast paced which makes sense because in the description they also said they designed this with speed runs in mind they actually removed the frame rule system so if anyone wants to speed run this like every frame counts in stages it's not frame rule based i want to get inside a wall and see if his physics are any different inside a wall i don't think they are i technically was just inside a wall when i grabbed that fire flower there seems pretty normal [Music] speed run i say as i go really slow dude we're flying through this man okay just had to i mean it looked so interesting down there i just had to touch the moving some lines koopas take me up you could wall jump okay i figured this is how you get up [Music] but i almost did oh wait this might go to a warp zone i'm afraid unless this is just like the way out this is a warp zone bye bye if this is even the fastest warp zone for speeding i like the axe that just look really pretty [Music] i'm gonna die on purpose to get more lines well now we're accidentally jario this is jarring wait what the wow is this how mario controls it feels so floaty now maybe this is just normal though [Music] is it [Music] is this normal i'm really not sure i'm gonna go back to luigi now yeah it does look like mario land monotone monochrome whatever although that koopa looked different it looked pretty good wait was that an over the flagpole moment maybe as jario okay moment of truth oh so close dang that didn't work but as i was jumping at the flagpole repeatedly i was reminded of something else i read about the heck you can actually grab it facing left to uh also speed up flagpoles another tech they edited [Music] i wonder how you're supposed [Music] oh duigee is too obese to climb [Music] okay okay let's go nice slender jario bro okay is it another warp zone how come the one two levels ago went to world five but this one goes to world four i don't understand yeah if jario's the only one that can climb vines then i expect there to be jario is too light to break this block or something i don't know uh we still need to find uh 8 000 kick opportunity i was in the process of saying it and there it was go get them nice let's go oh uh don't ask what i was trying to do just don't ask why are you asking me right now i asked you not to [Music] wow that worked out really well okay okay i still don't know why the lava looks like that it's like a conveyor belt or something [Music] okay okay okay double death opportunity i actually don't know if it's possible with hammers let's find out yo actually everything after you grab an axe everything including fire bars and hammers and stuff all disappears but bowser doesn't and that's probably the only reason it works with bowser wait i wonder if bowser disappears after you grab a flagpole maybe you can double wait can you set up small fire like on a flagpole with bowser i love the color of these pipes nice wait come back huge jump i tried to wall jump and it would have been sick [Music] you saw the vision yo get me up there somehow some way there has to be [Music] sometimes you feel like you jumped all over a certain spot and it's like how okay watch this wait is he even gonna be able to clip all the way in because he falls so fast he might not be able to get all the way in [Music] here we go all right watch this that's like sort of what i wanted to do that was even better [Music] look at that fast excel whoa double i'm overwhelmed oh man speed run i did the first two good oh let's go oh i just spawned the flag [Music] let's go also why there's no power-ups right next to the flag in the main [Music] games i got my bill pal all right here we go we got two bills [Music] come on down [Music] what there's so many blocks here ah no go keep one at least oh we got both [Music] and a shell we're trying to spawn a flag again apparently i don't know [Music] oh whoops that's fine we still have our bill friends oh yeah we made it [Music] okay here we go oh all right i have no idea what's going on here yeah by the way the pretty much anything black in castle stages is actually transparent because the background is black that's why you can see him come up through outside section yo we're d-4 [Music] huh now vine block mushroom anything oh hidden coin block [Music] i this hack hadn't been like that this entire time so i did not expect that to be the answer [Music] don't do it don't okay wait take me he's gonna jump wait he was i had no faith dude you gotta have faith wait canonical ending it's really hard when they put blocks above the axe all right this time we gotta have more faith just gotta put the controller down and see if we beat the game [Music] jump what that is so funny [Music] all right can we go to five we can't but i do know there's that warp to five so we need to go back to two so we can warp to five [Music] uh [Music] like task gameplay nah pretty much anytime someone says that they just haven't watched task gameplay recently enough okay 5-1 bonus world we're in space we're on the moon sure was a lot of space at least oh okay what the uh he's like what he's floatier in the water instead of the other way wait i'm so confused in 5 1 the player will have reduced gravity this affects both jumping and swimming controls okay i never even tried out here [Music] so strange okay here we go big floaty boy can you believe i mean i shouldn't but can you believe that first one didn't hit the block oh now we're on an alien planet that has pink sky [Music] you know like the one we were on earlier what is going on whoa i've never really seen anything like that before this is all over the place tour of the universe there's too many exits am i just back at the beginning now what okay don't go in this pipe playing pick a pipe oh pick a vine wait i can't climb uh i don't know if you got the memo but hello five one's only beatable with jario this is lame i'm i'm even on the moon like i'm lighter come on man okay wait we didn't make it say climb so it tells [Music] it's just because i like messed up the scroll stop but that's like so messed up that it says climb for luigi and comfort [Music] i just don't want to replay the stage dude [Music] it's rough when your bonus levels drag the pack rating down that was so anticlimactic why'd i have to go get zarya just for that room well i'm not a fan of super jarria bros after that but i'm still a big fan of super duigee bros [Music] you

There's A New Plumber In Town

There's A New Plumber In Town

There's A New Plumber In Town

There's A New Plumber In Town

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