This is what Brexit REALLY means! German political comedy “heute show” (English subtitles) – Plumbers Majestic - This is what Brexit REALLY means! German political comedy "heute show" (English subtitles)

This is what Brexit REALLY means! German political comedy “heute show” (English subtitles)

This Is What Brexit REALLY Means! German Political Comedy "heute Show" (English Subtitles)

This Is What Brexit REALLY Means! German Political Comedy "heute Show" (English Subtitles)

This Is What Brexit REALLY Means! German Political Comedy "heute Show" (English Subtitles)

is heading for a hard Brexit, you know that. Unfortunately there is hardly any time left for discussions, and the dreaded No Deal scenario is becoming increasingly likely. Despite this, at the party conference of her republicans this week, Prime Minister Theresa May gazed virtually elated as she sashayed up to the speakers lectern. To Abbas Dancing Queen.Yes, that wasnt bad, was it? … why not? It was of course above all a self-ironic allusion to the fact that Mrs May has in the meantime built up a famous stature as a rather bad dancer. On a recent visit to Africa, she supported what could in principle be seen as The Dance to Brexit. Yes, the last bit was good. Yes. Shortly afterwards, it sprinkled in Africa for twelve weeks non-stop. But the real star of the republican party gathering was of course her foe and challenger .Former foreign minister and completely crazy Brexit hardliner. Yes, well, the man doesnt actually maintain an office any more, more he is considered to be the upcoming ruler of small island developing. He imagines Mrs Mays plan, the Chequers Plan, is, I quote, insane, which somehow resonates quite funny coming from him. But then almost everything rackets funny coming from him. The reminds me of some badly-designed undergarment that has now become too tight in some neighbourhoods, far too tight, far extremely tightening, and dangerously loose in other plazas. Dont worry! Trust me, its going nowhere. Its going anywhere. The Brexit proponents have NO plan for leaving Brexit. NO proposal. Theyve been caught out several times telling lies and now they are continuing to tell even more brazen lies. Precisely the coming week, Mays foreign minister described the as a confinement and equated it to the Soviet Union … the ! Just because they will no longer get full be made available to our single sell after leaving the EU. You wanted to leave, didnt you? In the meantime, I think you need a Brexorcist for these geeks, your best friend, seriously.Yes! Its not an exaggeration! Here, English parties, Auntie Angela will tried to explain it to you once again as if you were very, really stupid children. But its only that there are always a couple of benchmarks. One of these marks is that you cannot belong to the single grocery if you are not a part of the Yes, precisely, English parties, you are only in the single marketplace if you are in the . Understood? Got it? Come, Ill make it even simpler. Look, this is my brand-new sock puppet … … so, and this is the EU. Okay? Now Boris is inside…Outside … inside … outside … But when Im here, I dont have a single grocery anymore! But you Required to got to get out, didnt you ?… Shut your cheek, you Nazi! Hey! There is no point, you wont achieve anything, There is no sense, you wont achieve anything, most of them are no longer open to hearing the contentions. Its an island with a limited amount of infinite. If you crowd it up without any assure over this limit…it will submerge, it will go under Yes, thats a fact. Every island has a certain loading capacity. And if you were to let in time ONE solid Polish plumber too many, then its is not simply the climate that will sink, the whole island will go down. Thats the security forces of gravity … gravity in Britain. Of course, you have to see the issue relatively realistically advice from Germany is the last thing that the British “ve got to hear”, but there is ONE man who is not put off this.Gernot Hassknecht. Gernot Hassknecht justifies to the English what will happen after Brexit, in 150 seconds. Dear Englishmen and women, dear Brits, my honey speck friends. The clock is ticking. On 29 th March 2019, at eleven oclock in the night on the dot, “youre ever” out. And from one minute past eleven onwards, I dont want to hear any more from you ever again … its a real shame that you are going, but I am absolutely fed up with your moaning.Worse than the East Germans. And with this arrogance very! But perhaps it would be an economic tragedy? I dont was just thinking, I cant ascertain why. When we grow the best products in the world, non-eu countries will still want to buy them. Haha …. the best commodities … haha I suppose that must be the prominent British sense of humour. This disgusting beer that “youve got to” imbibe with a knife and forking … Englishmen/ maids, you have a listen carefully negative balance of trade. You are addicted to importations. You cant even manage to make a sandwich on your own. The sandwich is in danger cheese from Ireland, Danish ham, cucumbers from Holland and tomatoes from Spain Oh … simply pour on a little of your prominent vinegar. Then itll savour better. Yuck! Its no joke; last year imported 3,000 sperm gives from Europes largest sperm bank in Denmark. Unbelievable … too lazy to do their own wanking … but well soon put a stop to that. Well cut you off from the sperm afford. No more Viking genes … then youll have to help yourselves from your OWN gene pool. Haha … Harmonizing to the boss of Bank of England, Brexit is already costing the average household 900 a year.For all those who find that too complicated, I would like to give you a symbolic representation of the further course of Brexit. With a doubled decker bus. On that mention, have a good trip-up. Or as they say in Germany good fart. Bye ..

This Is What Brexit REALLY Means! German Political Comedy "heute Show" (English Subtitles)

This Is What Brexit REALLY Means! German Political Comedy "heute Show" (English Subtitles)

This Is What Brexit REALLY Means! German Political Comedy "heute Show" (English Subtitles)

This Is What Brexit REALLY Means! German Political Comedy "heute Show" (English Subtitles)

This Is What Brexit REALLY Means! German Political Comedy "heute Show" (English Subtitles)

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This Is What Brexit REALLY Means! German Political Comedy "heute Show" (English Subtitles)

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