This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE – Plumbers Majestic

This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE

This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE

This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE

This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE

these newport dwellings are from the Gilded Age but today in this old house we start a brand-new programme where we bring a into the digital age we want to try to make this house Net Zero which means we want to be able to generate as much power as it uses what happened to all this plumbing here I’ve never seen anything like this before so it’s already rock going on in that trunk so what are you acquired up here well a bit of a surprise it’s really the classic plumbers lament I see this main roof assemble we’re just gonna pulling that presented to a feeling where this existing deck is emphatically says mid-century modern the money’s in the detail hi there I’m Kevin O’Connor and welcome back to a very special season of this old house today we start in Newport Rhode Island City that is famous for its old-fashioned homes and some of them are huge have a look at this one this is called the breakers and it was built in 1895 by the Vanderbilt family and believe it or not it was just their summer today the breakers like the other mansions here in Newport are tourist attractions and while they are magnificent dwellings they’re not the reason that this season is so special hey Tommy hey Kevin[ Music] glad 40 th anniversary pal it’s a big deal this year it is a big deal forty years of this old house is worth celebrating utterly so I think we should probably go back to some of the houses we’ve worked on over the decades and be seen to what extent they fare but likewise really impede pulping forward we’ll continue with our contemporary next initiative which is bringing young minors into the trays and will continue finding new projects to work on all right and this year we perceived an aged mansion but we’re gonna do some forward seeing on this house we were going to make this house net zero which means we want to have a high-efficiency heating and cooling system super insulation and we want to be able to generate as much power as it consumes not gonna be easy renovating a roughly 100 year aged bungalow but worth their own efforts right yeah we’re up for the challenge now members of this house not in downtown Newport it’s over the Newport Bridge in Jamestown right and the homeowner is an architect and I think that this is going to be the first time that we’ve ever done research projects where the designer is going to live in the project when it’s ended[ Music] this looks like the place is breakers is it no hey Don hey Don how are Karen hey Tommy so a little bit of a different neighborhood then we were just in that’s right what’s the story with this place Jamestown is a really interesting Island used to be the shuttle stop on the way from the two sides of the strait to Jamestown you took the boat across and you went to Newport so Jamestown ever had this dual personality it was kind of blue-collar suffice all the mansions in Newport but it also had some coin at the south ends and on the east east side so it’s a it’s a fascinating sit full of a lot of different personalities and the building depicts it and this is one of the classic Jamestown cabins “youre seeing” the sort of craftsman affects it’s been badly mistreated over the years and over its first year is how long with this is nineteen one I’m guessing that this is mid to late 20 s okay a lot of stuff was built in that time you can see it’s got this asbestos shingles on it which is the worst of the humiliation yeah have you had those researched oh yeah certainly clearly is bestest so this idea of Net Zero before we get this sort of all the blemishes on this your idea well you are familiar with as country offices and as an designer we design a lot of these Net Zero places that and encourage people to live with a zero carbon footprint and it’s always been something we’ve done for other clients and I specially wanted to do it for us to sort of walk the talk that we do professionally but also I imagined this was an interesting project because you’ve got an existing almost hundred-year-old house and then you’ve got another addition that’s going to be fully new construction right and how do you introducing those two systems together and what techniques do “youre using” on each one of them easy to do on the brand-new pod and it’s a challenge to do it on the old character but it can be done it can be done you’ve got to mingle and match the method used absolutely let’s have a look at the old-time proportion you’re living in a neighborhood now right “were living” claim around the corner with in a house that we built from my extended family we deplete times together but we been sort of squatting for a couple of years while we look for our own place yeah that’s never easy claim so what are you plans for the house right here well see this main roof chassis up now yeah we’re just gonna pull that forward till it’s even where this existing floor is I insure so that indications gonna come all the way out approximately where the deck is now yeah and the dormer that’s up in that roof will simply repeat on both sides on the brand-new part so it’s really precisely taking the existing house and realise it a little longer the simplest way I could think of of lengthening this house out to about 2,000 square hoofs at the end of the day with three bedrooms and a den that’s a good immensity yeah it’s gonna be good for us yeah yes so Net Zero we’re gonna need some alternative power you were talking about solar I’m seeing the Sun here nice and sunny but I’m seeing a Ridgeline that’s working against that yeah unquestionably we originally had plans for a sloping roof this channel but it really didn’t work out with the contrive so my answer is to build an outbuilding or a barn to the east of the of the house that’ll have a sort of soft bark shape that has a long slope facing southern and with that I can get about 500 to 600 square paws of photo boards that’s good oh yeah yeah all right clearly oh well there’s a lot more to learn about the outside but I want to see the inside is Dana in there she’s in there I’ll check that out see you guys so the porch that’s gonna come on this end is they can come out another 10 hoofs off the screen so pleased to see you both Nate nice to meet you so you guys must be really excited for this little right yeah you can stay in your academy you can stay in the neighborhood what are you looking forward to the most I’m looking forward to having my friends in the area they’re all over here I’m looking forward to the barn in the back there it’s gonna be great for sleepovers he’s already scavenged the bar good move how about “youre feeling” you agitated yes awesome alright and Dana you you must be thrilled I’m really excited we affection this discern we’ve got friends all around us we’ve got our family has a house just around the corner so we feel so lucky that we find a place this close and we affection being in town and it’s gonna be a great family marvelou all right well what about a expedition sort of what is and what you’re gonna do perfectly sons why don’t you get your hairs on and fulfill dad outside and I’ll show Kevin around all right so this is the age-old kitchen obviously reasonably beat-up it’s going to become the mudroom so the back door will stay the same we’ll get rid of that little closet so this opens up and this will be some cupboards for coats and an actual hair closet over here mm-hmm this window will stay and over here is going to be a built-in pantry ah good idea and a brand-new powder room a half bathroom is gonna go stowed into this really small alcove space mud rooms and pantries everybody asks us for those I know God have them so kitchen gonna be right in the room in front of it this is gonna be the brand-new kitchen this is gonna be coming out and we’re standing now in what’s gonna be the brand-new kitchens there’s gonna be a refrigerator here window looking into the backyard over the drop the stove is gonna be here and over here is all coming out this is gonna be an opening which then steps down two steps into the new family room nice and for dining we’re gonna come into this spot now this wall is gonna come out so it’ll be completely open into what will be the brand-new dining room we’re gonna have a wraparound banquette in this area so the counter will be ranked here and again this wall is going to be out so it’ll be completely open to the kitchen and issues to be living room everything used to be the living room which is a fairly small-scale cavity so it’s gonna feel so much different to have this as a new kitchen dining locality and this is going to be part of the additive so this will likewise be an opening that will connect to the opening on the other side of the wall you’ll steps down into family room okay and here is the entrance this will remain the entrance what is now a comprised foyer a little bit unnerving what kind of a three-season thing they’re going with with the windows there guess so we’re gonna take out the windows and it’s just going to be a treated porch with gradations come through here right to the front door okay handling stay or travel but this wall actually is coming out so this will be an exposed railing going up to the second floor why don’t we check that out I like that theory a lot so on the second floor what we’ve got now is a small shower a bedroom in here and another bedroom in here this is going to be Nate’s room and it’s gonna take the existing bath so it’ll be a little bit bigger okay and in here is this funky l-shaped bedroom that’s gonna be reconfigured this mode and that highway all one rooms right it’s it’s odd and it’s going to become Theo’s room so he’ll be from here over to about say this area so really one part of the Ellis Theo’s room correct and then what do you do sort of down on this end this is going to be a laundry alcove that’ll face out the other way and this will become the brand-new shared bathtub for the boys and here is gonna be a hallway that goes out to the new original collection place over the add-on very nice okay so this is great working with you know homeowners who are sort of in the biz you know the plan you know everything of them you guys designed it right yes all right immense tour great view too huh it really is now go out one[ Music] Oh Oh Richards a backache vault down here yet another gnarly basement for me he can’t even stand up in this thing so we’ve got to make this house actually energy-efficient so some of the existing systems are just not going to cut it this is a ductwork system uninsulated it doesn’t have any passage sealant at all poor dr.Bishop that’s gotta travel this is an oil furnace so in our new propose is very likely have a brand-new planned now so this will probably come out and so that signifies the lubricant cistern will probably go away so here’s oil tank fortunately it feed out of oil today so we don’t have to deal with getting too much oil out of it we have electrical spray heaters standard electric liquid heater we’re gonna look at a new solution to start enough hot water for a family of four here so pretty much they sound like all the systems going to see that’s right right and now this room is gonna still remain but it’s not going to be living space we’re gonna have a brand-new addition proceeding that lane so vault will be full height and that will be nice and close-fisted that’s brand-new right so all kinds of insulation genuinely tight but as an fzero live you got to make sure that you keep the energy in your building completely right so that means that’s going to be the top of the building be but what do we do about this so this is a spewed concrete wall on the outside is just behind this wall so obviously we got to insulate this we can settled two inches or three inches of insulation everybody is common that but people don’t think about this that heat goes to coldnes in all directions so the he could go this acces down through this concrete floor so we’ll do some sort of insulation now right and so I mean that’s kind of the be addressed with the next aura or live you have to go to these great lengths if you want to pull it off and in a redevelopment at least I signify things can get quirky the solutions in members of this house if you get quaint too and sometimes these required residences start looking like really space-age and precisely very modern you know recently got a chance to see an EDS air house that you can’t tell at all let me show you[ Music] so we are here in a Boston suburban neighborhood can you pick out the Net Zero home well there are doubled composites in that driveway so I suspect I can watch you forgive it but no look at this you mean a lot of parties have the perception that a NetZero house searches space-age like the Jetsons right what do you think well it’s a unusually conventional appearing house and I wouldn’t know I represent the the solar panels might be a giveaway but it looks like it fits right in it’s pretty fantastic David so I had a Kevin hi thanks for having us to see him to see this beautiful house of yours how long you been here about six years and what was some of its further consideration you had in this design well we wanted to power the entire house from the Sun okay and so one of the key elements in doing that was to face most of the house to the south because the front of the house is not south right the street is angled off and so we have solar panels on the roof rendering all that energy yeah and we have the windows in this room provide passive solar play that’s great cures heat the apartment during the winter just by moving this wall this nature it’s great precise penetrating space pits so recommending the thick walls that merely carried full of isolation precisely “were having” rigid foam on the outside and eight inches of thick-witted bundle cellulose which you are familiar with actually represents the house highly secure very warm during the winter like an hour forty is it as it is so this son must stream in now like crazy right does it heat this opening perfectly on a sunny date during the winter roughly regardless of how cold it is outside the Sun by itself will heat the area and the colors are automatic so when the Sun comes up the shades will come up help warm the apartment and the Sun comes down the shadows will come down and they’re insulating so they help keep the room warm at night clever let’s go downstairs welcome to a mechanical apartment right so our part live is powered by the Sun so it’s all electric all right so no gas no oil so “youre using” an inverter heat spout a casket outside connects with refrigerant piping to air handlers like this one now one upstairs right and these things are so efficient you even find fairly heat on a zero stage daytime outside okay I love seeing that this is critically important in these buildings this is an energy recovery ventilator a action that we can bring fresh air in an exhaust stale aura and not lose the energy from the building so that’s really great to see and solar hot water so you’ve got two primeds of solar collectors two panels up there are filled with antifreeze here’s the pumping station right here that’s going to send antifreeze up through the panel’s pick up energy and then come back down now delivering that vigour down through a coil right here at the bottom of this container that’ll hot the sea in the tank for faucets on cloudy daytimes it can actually have an electrical backup right here accurately and the one thing we’d love to be able to have is a heat pump back up could be much more if they’re coming precisely yeah why don’t I prove you the solar inverters all right all right well this is the room where all the solar energy comes into the house our central precisely so we have two establisheds of bodies on the ceiling they transport intensity down into these inverters right now the inverters take the DC energy convert it to AC which is what the house uses and what the grid gives right casts it out on the grid and where reference is does it runs the rhythm downward and when we use energy and moves the meter forward right and what we’re doing in the future is we’re actually moving to a battery located storage method so that means that instead of transmit the grid that power out we can store it in the house and use it when we need it and also it allows us to be independent if it’s blacker than that cool so how’s the house doing you said you here six years right I intend are you Net Zero so we occasionally check the meter and it diversifies based on the climate right some cold times the meter runs a great deal forward lots of Sun guides downwards but last-place period I checked it was lower than when we moved in so we’d actually made more power than we’d implementation postgraduates are indeed Net Zero good going thanks for helping thanks to the door my pleasure and good luck at the Jamestown expressed appreciation for[ Music][ Music] the developer of her jamestown campaign is no stranger to this old house Jeff’s Wiener originated the countertop for our Newton project last season he was also the Builder of our hypothesi house in Rhode Island last year he’s been in the building sells for nearly 30 times but early on he was persuasion to stay with his family’s sweet little business you know my family was in the chocolate business and you know the one thing I did get was that it was a it was a family owned business so you know that managerial pitch in effort was you know what I had growing up and there was a lot of work done there was a lot of holiday work and that type of thing so you know we were always working hard and I assimilated that but the construction place you are familiar with I had to learn on my own and it was really really it was just absorption you know I actually learned the majority of members of what I know from watching this old house so I was of the view that I was gonna constructed my own house and I made a time off from the from the candy business and I hired another chap to help me construct this house I knew right away that I really liked this and uh you know fortunately I have another brother so he went into the business with my daddy and and you know I remained with it and what was it about it that said that induced you say this is it this is what I’m gonna do I you know I think it was I think it was just building stuff I just really enjoyed having coming back at the end of the day stepping back and examining what the hell are you did and then stepping back at the end of the year and ascertaining what you did and driving around neighborhoods and picturing what you’ve done and it doesn’t go away it simply keeps adding to the portfolio and you are familiar with and I retain most of them and you know it’s really pleasant it’s really fulfilling to be able to go back and look and examine what you’ve created and what done and one of Jeff’s latest activities is our idea house right here in Narragansett so Jeff what are you building for us now so we have the idea house and we’re standing in the family room enormous area “its certainly true it is” a neat office so we’ve got cathedral ceiling here with skylights and then we’ve got a four panel slipping glass doorway which is going to go out to a screen foyer and then we’ve got a really nice outdoor living region there that it’s gonna be awesome we’ve got a hearth floor-to-ceiling now you are familiar with and you can see this is all open to above so there’ll be an open fence there and then this Cathedral area we’ve got some post-and-beam trusses that we’re gonna add up there that’s cool and then we’ve got master suite here so our ground floor living stairs to the basement now which will be open and then we moved right into the kitchen now neat open floor plan yeah this kitchen I like this a lot because we’ve got this windowsill that’s gonna actually be the countertop and they’ll go right into the windows cool so then you turn around here we’ve got this big island and then we’re looking through dining and then family room the hearth with the TV above good sight orders and an Outback here we’ve got a mudroom that starts out to that walkway to the garage a little half bath there laundry room and pantry up front and then this is a little built in area for where the refrigerator is gonna go and then up here on the second floor what do we got up there so we’ve got another master suite upstairs with two other bedrooms got it okay so we’re talking four bedrooms in total finished basement yeah so with the idea house what do you get out of it I represent what does it mean to you well it leaves us the opportunity to test and exercise all the latest and greatest engineering the building substances all the latest fashion trends and design components fixturing right and then we can take away what we like out of that and share it with our buyer basi so it’s your proving ground and your showroom yeah no accurately yeah well I know we’re gonna come back to see sort of the finishes but as you know right now we’re gonna get back to Jamestown because demo starts today let’s go[ Music][ Music] oh son look at this a demo crew you guys getting ready to go to work ever since the day we bought this house these guys have been dying to knock down that wall well who did the damage there I told you they couldn’t wait there’s a demo defendant well next time we’re gonna be digging a fault for that brand-new organization and hopefully naming the walls and I’m gonna go to the factory where we’re gonna prefabricate those foundation walls and we’ll represent more demo to do batch all right so until then I’m Kevin O’Connor I’m richer through week I’m Jeff’s wiener I’m and we’re the powers for this old house here in Rhode Island boys that wall is yours[ Music] next time on this old house our boards have arrived here in Jamestown on Island and in time a pair hours we’re gonna have ourselves a new groundwork good morning Jeff Gavin oh I I’m well good to see you so demo today demo today inside and outside no all right what are we doing outside well outside we got a little bit of an issue and our assignment live sits on an island or homeowners on strengths has agreed to give us a little tour I’ve always desired to be drawn up here on small island developing with the boys and scramble the stones the tidal pools

This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE

This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE

This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE

This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE

This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE

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This Old House | The Net Zero Bungalow (S40 E1) | FULL EPISODE

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