Tree Hugger & Turtle in a Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr. – Plumbers Majestic - Tree Hugger & Turtle in a Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

Tree Hugger & Turtle in a Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

Tree Hugger & Turtle In A Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

Tree Hugger & Turtle In A Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

Tree Hugger & Turtle In A Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

[ Music] wow[ Music] ugh ah hammered it hey you should be more careful kalia needs us commandos[ Music] when something is wrong these girls are moving it right[ Music] one and all[ Applause][ Music] guards the earth needs you[ Music] those poverty-stricken elk they seem so scared they are scared and for the right reasons someone is knocking down trees in their forest that is highly damaging to the environment you’re right bibi and if the trees maintain coming down the elk and all the other forest animals could lose their dwelling forever not on our watch right kalia right you’re going to stop this destruction rangers and i know merely who to send[ Music] else inside i got this[ Music] backbone strength[ Music][ Music] really doing my job mama elk but you and your babe got to get out of now trees are falling and it’s dangerous excellent extricate rosie it was great but all these poor smacked down trees this forest is the saddest thing i’ve ever known technically it won’t even be a forest formerly the trees are gone they’re just laying down watch strength dominance[ Music] rosie that won’t help these trees they’re still undermine lavender’s right you can’t precisely shove a cut tree back in the dirt it won’t exist wait the trees are down forever forever no way not on my watch no way no more fall trees we’re talking to whoever’s in charge travel guards razz[ Music] that’s preston braxton’s logo he’s the one smacking down all the trees astonishing actually outstandingly plausible look at me smacking down trees i’m the monarch of the forest huh watch that belly you’re hungry oh i can never say no to you i’m hungry we’ll knock down the rest of these trees when my belly is full i predicts the rest of you can eat lunch too[ Music] guards you’re getting sneakier generally i can reek you coming stop cutting down trees preston no more actually much more i am knocking down this entire grove to lay in the biggest wettest water park in autobiography sodden macrocosm land mine[ Music] affecting but highly inconsistent since you’re stuck in now with us oh am i so long guards i’m off to feed my belly[ Music] stand back straight-from-the-shoulder ability wow strong booby trap preston’s on a lunch violate we have time to think before the bulldozers start moving again you know you’re not a small prismacorn i don’t like this i can’t see where we’re proceeding i can rainbow tiara visor down uh-oh this could be a problem this is awful rainbow guards are going to knock down the trees and destroy the forest i don’t know perhap the bulldozer will miss all the trees you are well aware exactly flatten between them maybe[ Music] we need to stop this now bb any openings on that restrain cover maybe we can use the brakes and stop this thing vision power i see a tiny infinite it’s right at the bottom if you shrink down and go in you’ll be right there with the verifies splendiferous garbage bud micropower okay brand-new mean bb clear something to take off that control panel cros if we are to be able can stop this bulldozer pronto got it framed erect a crowbar perfecto strength strengths now to put on the restraints[ Music][ Applause][ Music] you did it rosie now the door is persuasivenes ability[ Music] we drove moderately far what’s preston up to bb see ability his bulldozers are on the move doesn’t preston understand how much he’ll hurt the animals if he knocks down the forest i gambling he doesn’t and that’s the problem we need to show preston accurately who he’ll be hurting and bb i’ll need a bullhorn[ Music] just about there get ready to knock down some trees oh come on get out of the way rangers not a chance preston stop your bulldozers no now move before i mow you down[ Music] if you go through us then you’re gonna have to go through them very[ Music] oh come on no carnival teaming up with the elk stop oh bulldozers stop as for you[ Music] don’t help know what a cornet mean they know this wood is their home if you cut it down you may as well run them over you’ll hurt them just as much either way i’m not going to run over any elk i am not a demon i am only want them to move understand[ Music] no punishment but making out the babe face with the big eyes is not playing exhibition so you certainly won’t cut down any more trees no the fuzzy swine can keep their home but you should know soggy world would have made a lot of beings unusually very pleased about that if your water park would start beings joyful it’s only logical that you still build it excuse me “ive seen” there’s an vacated shopping center adjacent you are eligible to erect the common there instead splendiferous he’ll reuse a useless room and leave the forest alone that’s an excellent intuition mushy macrocosm beings high five turning around beings we’re headed to the aged mall the brand-new dwelling of sodden life[ Music] we did it mummy and babe elk you were splendiferous road to standing up for yourselves elk racket well done all around[ Music][ Music][ Applause] when difficulties come we’re on the way rainbow guards save the working day[ Music] i dripped on those i can prepare that i can sew shoelace lightings on andy’s shoes then if she leaves them out everyone will see them so come on mandy[ Music] kalia needs us guards[ Music] is[ Music][ Music][ Applause][ Music] is[ Music] commandos the earth needs you who made the turtle in the net it’s a net net but who proceeds fishing for turtles someone was fishing for shrimp the turtle got caught by accident but if he doesn’t get out he won’t survive no it’s horrible that good turtle it’ll be okay anna you know how to save sea turtles privilege you rangers will save the turtle and i know precisely who to send[ Music] babe perception strength indigo accelerate supremacy rosy-cheeked strong superpower ready commandos commandos ready[ Music] journey commandos travel[ Music][ Music][ Music] there’s a boat the fisheries sector net’s got to be under it dive ranger’s done poor person ogles all confused i got this strikes dominance need assist nah i’m good it’s just you know embarrassing underwater[ Music] oh no there is a requirement to more time help me pluck the cervix down[ Music] speedy[ Music] slam faster rosie faster now we go come to me my beautiful little shrimps wrong prawns preston praxton i knew something smelled fishy rainbow guards you’re gonna pay for that net big bucks we had to rip your net eternal got caught in it and roughly drowned and this means what to me it mean you got to find a better route to fish one that doesn’t hurt turtles oh a better course to fish i have the best and most expensive industrial angling device on earth the praxton uxb2 zillion plus not that any of you were able to comprehend it it’s a bathysphere an underwater remark pod for encounter fish what’s it came sidescan sonar delight sonar and lidar and radar be my guests interesting and it catches prawn nope it catches commandos booby trap say hi to the bottom of the oceans rangers easy floof i’ll have us out of this before it even smacks oh fanny well this a sphere is the strongest shape and this one is clearly offset with a strong cloth got to be a weak point somewhere then i’ll witnes it quickened supremacy[ Music] sorry no weak point can’t even imagine what it would take to cut through this thing i can erect construct a diamond blade cutter i love diamonds but is it genuinely period for bb to realise jewelry diamonds acquire the toughest chipping blades there are really now i love them even more[ Music] anything certainly at this proportion i can chip us out of here in precisely the working day a day no way go for it floof bagels ineffective but oh they’re not bad razor move horizontal brand-new schedule maybe there’s something outside that they are able assist “ive seen” embeds a fish and a seriously giant cracking in the sea floor like a trench yep right next to us there’s our logical rebut we’ll tell the ocean do the wield wait the ocean will do the duty the deeper you go the more sea stres there is at the fanny of the gutter that pressing will crack the container open like a walnut and crack us like walnuts very if only we human yes but we are kaleidoscopians we’ll be punishment sugared then let’s come this flowerpot rockin push propagandize move interval one more rangers propagandize[ Music] it’s okay that’s just the ocean pressure pressuring the walls of the bowl i’d give it precisely a few more seconds and who’s ride the sea surface express hurrying power stand up indy guess who’s back wow turtle we gotta stop satisfy like this strike strength guy you’d think he’d learn net’s bad stand back he can’t see the nets that’s why he maintains getting fixed i’ve got it we’ll leant suns on the net so turtles can see them just like mandy said for my shoes trouble fish’ll see the lights too and stand back then fishermen will never catch what they need not a problem we use green lights most fish can’t see light-green but sea turtles can make it happen child constructo construct frame a fibre of green light i is hoped that the government toils but either way those metal look gorgeous done perfect timing our turtle friends coming back yes rangers for the triumph for awin but there are lots of other turtles out there i got an idea “re coming with me” rangers we’re flying to the skin-deep[ Music] oh you’re back yep and we have an idea that’ll shape you a very rich man that’s adorable “i know i m” a very rich man very richer i’m listening[ Music] green lights on fishing webs fish can’t participate them turtles do turtles won’t get entangled fishermen get to save countless turtle souls ask me if i care you’ll sell the nets for mega horses i help i care i’m gonna be richer than rich how many of these can you obligate me we’ll deliver you enough to save every turtle in the ocean yes a bizillionaire i’ll be a bazillionaire immense plan rosie today one turtle tomorrow a million homeward fixed rangers[ Music] when fuss come we’re on the way rainbow guards save the day[ Music] these girls are inducing it right generate nothing’s too hard to handle when seven most special friend you can ask your parents to subscribe to the gouge jr youtube path for new videos every day and find more of your favorite demonstrates on television on and the gouge jr path

Tree Hugger & Turtle In A Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

Tree Hugger & Turtle In A Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

Tree Hugger & Turtle In A Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

Tree Hugger & Turtle In A Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

Tree Hugger & Turtle In A Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

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Tree Hugger & Turtle In A Net FULL EPISODE! | Rainbow Rangers | Nick Jr.

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