– If you’ve been luck enough to stumble across thisplumberparts.co.uk video, it’s not all about underfloor heating. So subscribe if you wanna view the myriad of cataclysms photos that we get mailed inevery week, and discuss, and also if you wanna joinour Facebook and Twitter then you’ll be welcome there as well. I hope that members can enjoy today’s video and remember everyone, to hold tight! .co.uk. Honest reviews and . Hold tight and welcome totoday’s .co.uk video. This is the second partof a series of cinemas that we’re doing about anunderfloor heating system that we’re installing atmy good home behind us. In the first video we registered you how the Wavin Manifold works, which is the particular Manifold thatwe’re fitting on this job.We also demonstrated you how we decided where we were gonna site the Manifold which was kind of a difficult one. Every job is different sowe had a bit of trouble figuring out where we were gonna positioned it. But we figured that one out now. Then we evidenced you also howto instal the actual pipe work which was a stapled arrangement, to our Celotex or our Kingspan floor insulation. After that it’s goingto be a 75 mil screed put over the top of all that, but that’ll be done later on. The next chip that I’mgonna show you is actually us piping up the manifoldinto the heating system and likewise depicting you how topipe up the individual loops that you’ve got into the manifold. So I hope you enjoy today’s video. Please follow us on Twitter and Facebook and if you need any more help, then please do give us know through those social media channels. We affixed loadings of photos everyweek and loadings of videos as well, nonsense like that, anything you’ve got cast it to us and we will send it out to the frat, the world.Anyway, I hope you enjoy today’s video and remember everyone, to hold tight! So as you can see it’snot really arrangement A when it comes to where you’dactually usually instal a Manifold but we dealt that as I said during the video beforehand. So what I’ve got to do now is I’ve got my heating flow and return here.That’s my flow pipe, that’s my return pipe. They’ve gotta go intothese two valves only here. So your overflow will go into there and your return will go into there. Then we’ve got our two curves that need to go into our two manifolds only now. It’s very important as well, so that our flood loop disappears out there and our returnloop comes back up there. Because I’ve only got twoloops and they’re both to the same room it’s really simple for me to find out which one is which. I represent, genuinely, if I justblow down that one there, I can feel air come outof that one so I know that I’ve got my flow return loop there, and then patently witha bit of detective work I know that’s the othertwo loops-the-loops I’ve got. If you’re installing in areally, really big house, there’s different chambers and all that, you’ll have to tape upand mark out which returns and spurts go to which sothen you’ll know later on.Then you can actually brand the manifold accordingly at the end of the job. So what I’m gonna do, becauseat the moment this activity is a bit of a nightmare in here really, there’s been a fewdifferent plumbers coming in over its first year and dodifferent random bits and bobs. So what I’m gonna do isI’m gonna board across the back here try andmake this look as neat and as aesthetically satisfying as possible.So hopefully once we’ve gotit all piped up and done it looks a little bit like this and as you can see, we’ve induce the best ofa pretty bad situation. We’ve managed to get this system in, making it look nicewith a lovely little bit of pullover across the back there. Gives the whole installationa nice neat appearance, and also, if you seem closely, you can see that we’ve obscure mostof our cables that lead to our front actuators, and to our run and too to our two port valve. They’re all hidden away behind there, they can’t get plucked about or anything. As you can also see, we’ve got our controlwiring centre in there now. So now let’s have acloser look at the system and see you how it worksand likewise I’ll testify you the screed that’s beenin for about six weeks.So now that we’ve got allthis installed we can have a really good look at howthese systems actually drive and also how the variouscomponents communicate with each other to tell thesystem to run or to not flow. Firstly, we’ve got our flowcoming in from the boiler now. Now as we knew from earlieron our move would also go off up to the otherservices in the system, like the hot water tankand likewise the radiators that are also upstairs in the house. What happens is the hotwater will come here, come through this two portvalve when our thermostat is calling for underfloorheating and then it will come up, be sucked up through this gush here, and then round and downoff to these two moves. It will go off to thoseloops that are in the floor. Now, the electricalsequence for how this works is the thermostat in the area will prove, it will say “I wantheat”, or the programmer and the thermostat will say”We want heat at the moment”. Then that sends a livesupply to this valve here and when that valve opensthere’s a micro substitution that clicks and then sendsa separate live ply over to this pump to say “I’mopen, I wanna come on now” and it also sends a live supplyto the border as well to say “We’re open, we’re ready for business, “get us some hot coming through”.That gush is also gonnago “Oh my divinity let’s run.” That’s what happens basically. This hot water then willbe sucked through here, and then this pumpbasically circulates around and around and aroundthis area here like so. Now, as we said earlieron, different flooring procreates need different types of temperature. So low erect Wavin underfloor heating, which is used a lotfor, say, timber floors, requires a slightly higher amount of heat going through those pipes and what we can do is we canset the hot going through the underfloor heating applying this here which looks very similarto a radiator TRV. Now because what we’ve gothere is a 75 millimetre screed, screeded floors don’t need tobe as sizzling as the other floors.Most beings lead them at 45 measures, but I’m gonna run this at 50 measures. What we do is we’ll use this reckon up now to see how much hot water is actually going through the system. Then we use this gaugehere to really judge the return temperature. It gives you a good ideaas to whether the system is working properly or not and it’s more of a kind of diagnostic thingfor if there’s any problems. Well, that’s what I tendto use that measurement for. Likewise, apparently, it’s got ourpressure on there as well, so we can tell the systempressures going into the manifold.So what happens when thissystem is operational and this is all being called to run? We’re introducing 80 unit or 75 degree water from the boiler now, and what’s happening isthat’s get mixed with the cold water that’s going through here. As this senses and says”Whoa there’s ladens “of hot water coming inhere”, what it’s gonna do, is when it’s in normaloperation straight away, it’s gonna run waterthrough there and directly back up the return off to the boiler. Now as it gets more comfortablewith the temperature that’s going through theunderfloor heating system, and say it’s asking for 45 stages, this valve is gonna shut theamount of spray coming in from the boiler there, andthat should just create an almost sealed loop from therest of the heating system.Then, every so often, obviouslyas the heat disperses through the flooring into theroom, it will allow a dribble of hot water to come through now and stop that temperature at anice steady 45 measures, or whatever you’ve determined it at. So when you commissionone of these systems, you can basically turn this down to two, get the boiler settingsfully up to temperature so then you know you’re introducing the hottest amount of ocean possible, and then just gently crankthis open until you get a nice steady temperature through here, what you’re looking for. Now often you’ll notice withunderfloor heating system that the motorised headsthat we’ve got here don’t merely clank openstraight away same to the two port valve that’s next to me. What they do is they have alow voltage going into them so they open extremely, veryslowly, so you need to be quite patient when itcomes to these opening up. The wider ones we’ve gothere, can take anywhere up to about 10 instants to fully open. So what we’re gonna do nowis run this system for you.The screed has been down for 6 weeks or so, so we don’t have to wait. Usually it’s 21 dates for theactually screed to go off, will vary depending on how thick it is, and that is basicallyto stop it from cracking or if there’s any problems afterwards when you mostly turn the hot water on, if it was better a lettuce screed itcan cause difficulties later on in the number of jobs and be a whole lot of a hassle. So what I’m gonna do now, is come in our wireless statand turn such systems on and then you can see how it all wields. So here’s our wireless stat now, what I’m gonna do is justhold down this button now so then we can selectwhere the manual is on, we go right, we want manual on, so we’re gonna hold that down there and then that’s gonna be happy.So now we can actually manually turn out, and you should see in the background that our structure light-coloreds up and “re coming in”. It says calling now. Right so this valve is now opened up. There “theres going”, that microswitch is now approved, and that’s telling the pump to come on so our pump’s now function. So now let’s have a quitecloser look at our actuators which are still closed and you should see that these slowly open up as well. So now we can see how slowlythese actually open up. When these are both fully open, you’ll hear the lily-whites of their hearts. I signify mostly that’sjust a lily-white plastic flakes around here as they open up. Now very important to have a look at is the actual flow personas simply up here. This is basically how you can set up and balance your organisation. So that’s slammed. You’ll notice there’s a smalldial really on there like so. As you can see there, we’ve got that arrangement exactly that loop there set toabout five and a half. So you can set it to one, two, three, four, five, all the way around to 11. Which if you ask me is a spinal tap joke, and basically we’regonna determine this on five, so we pop that down there like that. It’s still shut but what it does, it actually stops you fromopening it all the way. So if we go round to here, we can open this up now, and that stops on that stop the car, and that’s how thatdenotes which space it opens.So this one is just alittle bit more open because it’s just one curve down, so that’s set to six. As you go around here you’ll see that that stopper is justhit on there like that. We go above, you can see that they’re both hit on their show-stoppers. So going back down you can still see that these still haven’treally fully opened up hitherto, and likewise our temperature is still hovering at a extremely sort of lacklustrelate 20 grades C. If I feel the hose that’shere, there’s not a lot of heat coming through yet from the boiler because these haven’t fully opened up hitherto. So at the moment thesystem’s still dormant. You’re not gonna feel consignments of hot water coming through now straight away.So now this is startingto open up a little bit we should see that our temperaturehere starts to creep up. So yeah, that’s starting to come up now. There we go that’s rising delicately. That’s all because that isnow starting to open up. So what I’m doing is justshutting this valve now, just like so, you exactly slam that and as you can see, what that’s supposed to do now, is that’s shutting off the hot water that’s coming in from our boiler and turning this into a curve. So the cold water comingback from the screed and the underfloor heatingis cooling off at the moment.So what we’re gonna do, we wanna come that a littlebit hotter, don’t we? So we want to introducea little bit more spray, so we’re just gonna turn that open a notch and then just watch this come up. That’s nicely come through here again. We’re gonna go one more notch now. That’s coming up nicelyand as you can see now, both our abilities are nicely open as well. So now we’ve got the system fully leading, we’ve got a flow temperature going round at about 45 measures. If I want to get that any hotter, I can precisely whap that openlike that and we’ll see that this dial now shouldstart to go up again. So, inspect, that’s going up to 50 now. It’s sneaking up. The temperature on the returns is slowly starting to come up as well. That’s sitting at about 30 stages, and you should really haveabout a 10 to 12 magnitude differential between the flow and return. Then you’ll know you’re getting the ocean to go through at the claim charge. There’s no point flyingburning hot water through all the time because that makesthe system sort of inefficient.So, a lot of you may ask why have I set a two port valve on herewhen this run isn’t going and that valve is going there? Nothing’s gonna be going round information systems. Well, mainly I find thatsometimes you can get, I intend, there is another pumpon the heating system now, which is in the airingcupboard and when that parts in with the boiler and this isn’t calling, say there wasn’t a two port valve now, this could, if this valve wasset in a certain position, could almost act like a bypass.It could move around there a little bit. So it’s really helpful really topop a little two port valve on there, zone it off properly, and it gives you a littlebit more control over the heating system andmakes it more efficient. Likewise, when it comes toour motorised chiefs, when the system’s been is turned off, they can still make quite awhile to shut down as well. So with these sorts of systemsits all about equanimities. In the words of Gary Barlow, Have a little patience Oh yeah.Yeah, so I’m really happy with how this system’sworking at the moment. We have actually run it a fewtimes over the last couple of dates as well to make surethat it gets up to temperature and I can tell you now, that Big G the feline perfectly adores it. He is in all sorts of amusement. He lays on the underfloor and he’s like “I can’t believe what you’ve done here. “It is amazing.” Let’s have a quick lookat the kitchen as well and you can see the screed and also learn why we putin the blue sticky mesh. So now we are as youremember from the last video, you construed that we were stapling down all our underfloor heating, ready for our screed to be done in order to. So let’s have a closer lookat the outside insulation that we framed around the screed. So now you can see our small-time article of insularity as well thatwe’ve run around the outside. As we evidenced you Wavin have them so they can be cut off at sure-fire heights.So they’re really, truly versatile for different penetrations of screed. Now it’s very importantyou placed these in because they stop any heat being transmitted into the wall and then off to atmosphere, which would oblige the system notas efficient as it could be. But also if there’s any expansionthat needs to be taken up, when you’re actually turningthis on for the first time if there’s anything needs to be done, this will take up that expansion as well. So it’s really, reallyimportant that you settled that in. It’s not just somegimmick that they send out with the underfloor heating. It’s got a extremely, veryimportant role in this job.So there’s our underfloor now. If you wait about half an hour, I guarantee you Mr. G will be out here getting his belly scrubson this nice hot floor.( singing) So there you go! As you can see we areslowly getting there when it is necessary to getting this kitchen done. Hopefully I won’t be divorcedby the time it’s finished and we’ll be selling thehouse to split it 50/50. I hope that members can experienced today’s video and you received it hopefully informative. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Above all, it’s so importantthat you subscribe, okay? You can follow us onFacebook clicking on the link that’s emerging now. It’s a great sit to be. You guys send us loadsof photo’s and videos, and we use them in ourweekly ask the videos and plumbing cataclysms as well. So hopefully this isn’t going to be really one video that you’ve watched here, but hopefully you’llsign up to become a part, and realise that it’sa bit of amusing as well.If you need any more helpor any more information please comment in thecomment region below, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter like I said, and question us there. We’re gonna be doing more videos on this particular instalpretty soon as well. We’re gonna show you toset up the Wavin programmer because that can be quite difficult. Too, we’re gonna lookthrough schematically in front of that Manifold inthere how the system use when it’s in on or off busines, which will give you a bit ofan extra idea of what to do. So exactly sounds over to ourYouTube channel and you should find those videos therein the coming week or two. Anyway, I hope you comeback and all the stuff, and all the scourings and all the rubs.If I can find Mr. G I’mgonna bring him down now and situated him on his lovelybit of underfloor heating. He is not is regrettable. I’ll told you in next week’s video, and retain everyone, what have you gotta do, extremely now that the summer’s gone, and I’ve just got back from vacation, and I’ve suitable went festivity blues? You’ve got to hold tight, alright? So remember everyone to hold tight!( applauding) See you last-minute! .co.uk. Honest reviews and . You astonished theunderfloor heating George? Oh, George .( snapping paws) George, are you impressedby the underfloor heating?’ Cause it looks like yourbum likes it a lot, oh yeah. Oh, belly cleans. Belly scrubs. Meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow meow meow Meow meow meow.






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