What Are A Plumber’s Most Common Tools? – Plumbers Majestic

What Are A Plumber’s Most Common Tools?

What Are A Plumber's Most Common Tools?

What Are A Plumber's Most Common Tools?

What Are A Plumber's Most Common Tools?

Hey guys, I’m Roger Wakefield, LEED AP, TheExpert Plumber coming to you today to talk to you about what are a plumber’s most commontools. So the most common tools for a plumber, tobe honest are going to be a pair of direct fastenings, a crescent-shaped wrench, a clamp driver. You know, it depends on what kind of workthat you’re doing and what kind of different things you’re doing.But different things require different implements. If you’re a commercial plumber your toolsmay be a big pipe wrench, various kinds of like the one I get up there. The big dark-green charm there. It may be an oxygen-acetylene rig to cut deckplates, to cut steel, to modify hangers. It could be an oxygen-acetylene with a brazingtip on it because you’re running so much big copper that it is necessary to the additional red-hot gratuity andextra sizzling ignite in order to be allowed to to soldier. Now we’re a residential plumbing company sowe do residential repair and service and believe it or not you really exclusively need three setsof tools. You need a specify of tools for your cast ironwork or your plastic work.You need a specify of tools for your water linework. Whether it’s copper or pex. Then you need another set of tools for yourgas line work. Whether it’s brand-new facility or fixing, youmay need different things. We tell all our plumbers when you walk upto somebody’s house have a pair of direct locks, have a crescent wrench, have flashlight, have a screwdiver. Have things like that with you so that whenyou go far you’ve got the small tools you need to get in, look around, interpret what theproblem is and see what you can get into to determine if there’s anything that you cando to help them right off the at-bat in the event of an emergency. Now, once you go into and realize what theproblem is, and a lot of times even whenever we show up do to our pre-consultation, weknow what the problem is. So we may walk up with a designate of tools alreadyeither in our hand or already gathered out of the truck.So many plumbers do so many different things. So you are familiar with, different kind of tool for arepair plumber, you know … “Its probably” one of the more popular toolsthat some homeowners don’t even know about, and it’s called a basin wrench, and the reasonit’s called that is you can actually press the button on it and diversify it up and thatmakes it longer to where you can get up to reach up behind a john, and the highway thisis set right now, it’s set to loosen.So if I turn this this way, you’ve got a springactivated gripper right there on the end, and the behavior it’s turned if I kept it now andturn it. And you can see these teeth kind of like ona tube wrench, I don’t know if you can see them from there, but “youre seeing” these teethand you’ve also get teeth over here. So what that does, that seizures on to eithera brass nut or a plastic nut and that lets you turn it and as you can see it’s got ahold of my finger right now.It’s not coming release. But the good thing is you can lay on yourback up under that submerge, “ve been looking for” behind that lavatory, get that right where you miss iton the nut and you’ve got this bar that persists out down here so you can twist it andturn it. There are a lot of other good ones, anothergood that I actually have here with me that, you know, most homeowners may not know aboutis an internal tub depletion strain. And where this is really good, as you cansee it’s scored out here on the outside. So you lodge this down inside of a bathtub drainage, now if your tub depletion has the cross “hairs-breadths” in the middle of it, the do make a tool calleda dumbbell that you can actually put down on that, slant and sometimes get that out.But if that ditch has been in there a longtime it may be too tight and the cross “hairs-breadths” may break-dance. And if so that’s no problem. That’s what “its for”. You put this in, you can flip it around, one path or the other so that you get onto to where you get the right size, get wise whereyou are willing to where when you placed this in, these composed teeth placed real firmly up againstthe inside of the tub drain.Now, as you look here, whenever you turn thissee how it’s wider right here? That makes this expand out. So what it’s going to do, it’s going to expandout until it locks and then you got this bar up now that you obstruct turning and that’s goingto help tighten it. One thing that I like about these it’s gota hex nut right here, so if you need to, you are in a position to gave a pipe wrench or a pair of channellocks on it precisely to give you a little bit extra leverage.And like I said a little while ago, you know, wegot the large-scale tube wrench up here, there’s times that we have to use that even in residential. Not very often , commonly you don’t need a48 inch pipe wrench to work on somebody’ s house. But one thing that we do different, we specializein slab divulges and seep detecting. So we’ve got assessment bullets with extra long hosesfor the sewer ways, we’ve got very expensive cameras that we can actually run up insideyour sewer and we can look at the inside of your sewer pipe and this helps us see if there’sany major breakings, if there’s something clogged in there, if there’s something snap or lostin there that may be stopped up and inducing a great problem. We likewise do leak detecting on water lines sowe’ve got equipment to where we can trace these water lines underneath the flooring andthen we can go in and start a test procedure to determine if the disclose is in the ground orin the house, if the disclose is on the sizzling front or the cold line, then we can go in a listenand try to find what area of the house we think it’s in.So this kind of abridges down the time we’respending on the job and let’s us concentrates on where the seep actually is. So there’s a lot of different things thatwe do and a lot of different implements that we have. Like I mentioned the lamp earlier, the oxygen-acetylene. might carry out a map-gasrig, or a B-tank which is a smaller torch that we can actually time carry around withus. But like I said, it depends on wether you’reworking on cast iron, you may need big cast iron cutters, you may need, God, you are familiar with, old-fashioned lead and oakum implements to fix a leak.Most plumbers don’t even know what rest andoakum implements are anymore. So you may need cast-irons to carry an old-time pieceof result if there’s just a small ooze on it and we’ve done that before. We’ve also exploited a kindle to heat the lead up, gathered it out, and changed it with a Tyler jiffy gasket or something. So water lines. You is necessary to have tubing cutters, you may needpex tools, you may need crimpers, you may need cutters for the pex or uponor.We’ve actually got the electric, battery operatedMilwaukee uponor tools. There’s so many different implements. A plumber’s van is crazy, there’s so manydifferent information in there, rig in there, and tools in there. And we do try to have different guys set upfor different things. You don’t want every plumber in your companydriving around with a huge sewer machine, knowing that he may only need it once a month. It may be easier for us to laden that up ina truck, take it out, fulfill him on a errand. Or have another plumber who may have a bigmachine on his truck go out and do that job. So what plumbers do to take care of you, thetools that they carry, the rig that they carry. I intend, actually most of these vans are likea warehouse on wheels. We’ve got a very broad assortment of the tools, rig and materials that we need to take care of your plumbing problems.I hope this has helped you out a little bit, if you’re a plumber wanting to get in the craft, it various kinds of let’s you know what toolsyou might need. Guys, some of these implements that I indicated youor if you’re getting in the commerce, you can go down to the pawn shop and buy some of thesetools use and actually try them out, learn with them, work with them, get to know howto use them really well. You may like them, you may not like them, you may decide that you want something else. So guys, if you like these videos please clickon the agree button, if you really like it, please tell your friends about it. We’re trying to grow out locate so we can getthe information out there to let people know that there are things that they can do themselvesand really to procreate them a more educated customer when it does come time to call a plumber.So we really hope that enjoy these, if youdo please click below, right down there, please click below, leave us a comment, give us knowwhat you think. Click on the agree button overthere and please tell your friends about it. My name is Roger Wakefield with Texas GreenPlumbing. Saving you money one plummet at a time ..

What Are A Plumber's Most Common Tools?

What Are A Plumber's Most Common Tools?

What Are A Plumber's Most Common Tools?

What Are A Plumber's Most Common Tools?

What Are A Plumber's Most Common Tools?

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