Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim the Plumber Went From Apprentice to Business-Owner by 25 – Plumbers Majestic

Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim the Plumber Went From Apprentice to Business-Owner by 25

Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim The Plumber Went From Apprentice To Business-Owner By 25

Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim The Plumber Went From Apprentice To Business-Owner By 25

Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim The Plumber Went From Apprentice To Business-Owner By 25

My business is . We're a domestic maintenance company that works out of Perth and we've been doing
it for about two years. My plan was never really to go to university. I just did a lot of work experience and plumbing was one that I did. It is a very common thing that when I get to someone's house and they say 'is
it my business' and I say 'yes' and they go 'oh, you're so young'. I do like being
outdoors, working with my hands. Every day is something different and that's what I
kind of like. You're never in the same place you're always moving around. One of the things I love the most, I mean, kind of just like the finished product
at the end, you know? If it looks really, really good
you do get a feeling you're kind of like: "I did that and yeah that looks pretty
awesome." Well, working out of home is great.

Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim The Plumber Went From Apprentice To Business-Owner By 25

Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim The Plumber Went From Apprentice To Business-Owner By 25

Like, it's pretty relaxed. I do the
majority of my business running just through my laptop, so that means I can
pretty much do it wherever I want. Then I hop in my van; I go to different places every day. Could be putting in cooking appliances. Could be running gas lines. it
could be running water lines. Can be doing hot water systems. Could be renovating a bathroom; the list just kinda goes on, I suppose. I always hear from people when I go to their houses when I show up one time and they say, 'oh a plumber that actually arrives on time.' I meet so many different people and we always having conversations; I
learn about what they do. We truly, truly care about our customers, so, like their happiness is what we aim for and what we strive for. No, like, majority of my clients I would actually consider my friends, so it's
good and, you know, you get repeat clients so you just keep working with them. See, you get to know everyone really, really well. I always knew that I wanted to be
my own boss; start my own business.

Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim The Plumber Went From Apprentice To Business-Owner By 25

Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim The Plumber Went From Apprentice To Business-Owner By 25

Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim The Plumber Went From Apprentice To Business-Owner By 25

Young Entrepreneurs: How Tim The Plumber Went From Apprentice To Business-Owner By 25

It was just kind of 'day one' that's what I knew what I wanted to do. I was very, very lucky to have a
partner that has a business degree. It's just, I suppose, behind the
scenes. I knew plumbing very, very well but it's just then it comes to
accounting, figuring out the paperwork behind that. So, I suppose that's the bit
I had to kind of get my head around but once that was all figured out it did
start to kind of work well pretty smoothly, yeah. I try to, obviously, be the best boss I can be. I've worked with previous companies; I know how
they are. And I suppose I just try to better it, and just, you know, still
be in charge but just also, I suppose, try be their friend as well.

have a good time climbing so I'd say it's working.
I do enjoy that the decisions I make affect my business so, you know, if I do
make the right decisions we do see the rewards from it.
Just kind of believe in yourself, you know? Take risks and just
make sure you enjoy it..

As found on YouTube

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